Season 13 part 30:hold onto life

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Falling wind in is ears is all he hears he can't even see anymore his eyes hurt to much to keep open his consciousness leaving him

Y/n:I failed..... I turned on everyone to try and kill him waiting for the perfect moment.... And I failed is this how gin felt..... This utter hopelessness.... I...

Opening his eyes y/n sees white someone jumping towards him he recognizes that white... It's Liliana's hair

Y/n feels pain rush through his body or what's left of it as Liliana grabs onto him wrapping him in a cloak it feels strange as if it was made with reishi

Liliana:just hold on I'll get you someplace safe... I promise

Y/n eyes fighting to stay open as pain runs through his head as he tries to keep them open it's then that he sees yhwach looking down upon them he sees him speaking... But he cannot hear him but with that look of his y/n knows he's going to Try and attack the two of them feeling his anger boil up y/n gathers what strength he has left as his hand grabs Claudius his sword that was falling next to him feeling his anger grow and grow y/n even in such pain gains a look of utter defiance raising the sword and swinging it with everything he has left in his broken body firing a getsuga at yhwach who manages to block it simply by raising his hand hope leaves y/ y/n watches as yhwach fires arrows at them both Liliana turns taking the strikes y/n can see the pain in her face yet she doesn't scream out she bites her tongue her eyes narrowing the last thought y/n has before his consciousness leaves him

Y/n:I'm..... Sorry

The two land in seireitei begins caught by rukia as who is trying everything she can to help y/n giving a scream of agony at seeing y/n kn this condition

Kisuke:.... I see so then he never betrayed us... I figured as much but that boy ....... Rukia can you lift y/n up I have something that can help him... But it's nothing more then a prototype... So there's a possibility it won't

Rukia:don't.... Don't say it.... Just... Let me believe it will work... Ok

Kisuke:.... Ok

Liliana who had lost consciousness begins to move as rukia lifts the broken y/n looking at Liliana


Kisuke:... Who are you

Liliana:please.... Take me as well

Kisuke:.... Why should we

Liliana:because...... I need to... Keep my prince safe.... I.... I have to please let me help


Kisuke looks into Lilianas eyes and sees the determination in her eyes... But he also see the desire to keep someone safe... The same desire that both Ichigo and y/n have in their eyes when they enter the battlefield

Kisuke:can you stand

Liliana:yes I can... I should.... I'll make myself move

Liliana gathers reishi around her creating strings that wrap around her allowing her to move her body

Kisuke:wait that's Ransotengai

Liliana stands and begins to walk staying close to y/n who is in rukias arms

Kisuke:alright... Come with me


Uryu had watched his cousin fall....

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