season 2 part 1:im going to kick your axe

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Every one is being chased by  a giant ball called the cleaner

Y/n:fuck this

Y/n puts his hand on his sword

Youichi:no if you use your zanpakuto here it could be destroyed and lost forever


Uryu's coat gets caught in the restrictive current

Y/n:uryu I got ya

Y/n rips uryu's coat and throws him to Chad

Uryu:hey I can run own my own

Ichigo:why the hell is this even a thing make this not a thing

Ohrihime:I got this

Ohrihime activates her shield and blocks the cleaner

Y/n:I sense a


Ohrihime:wow ichigo the way you landed shows true artistic flare

Ichigo:jee thanks

Y/n is still in the air with youcichi on his shoulder he finally lands on his feet

Y/n:soo this is soul society

Youichi:that's right

Ichigo:it sucks here

Ichigo looks over at the area where the buildings seem to be better the here

Y/n:I have a huge headache

??? :master can you hear me I wanna see you come in your inner world soon

Y/n:the fuck

Claudius:it's something your have to see for your self

Caliber:she really wants to see you

??? :Y/n if your the king get in here and meet me

Claudius:she's actually kinda cute

Caliber:she kinda looks like us with pale skin


Ichigo:hey y/n you ok

Y/n:yeah I'm ok

Y/n walks a little to close to the seirietie
And a wall falls to the ground

Y/n:thats a big wall


Uryu:the smokes clearing

Jidambo:I am jidambo and I guard this gate

Y/n:hey sorry but I didn't mean to get near here I was just walking by

Jidambo:I'm sorry but I'm afraid that doesn't matter we are now locked in combat

Y/n:ok I guess but if I win can you let me though the gate

Jidambo:hahahaha I will agree to that hut you won't win

Jidambo begins to swing rapidly at y/n who brings Claudius out to block it by just holding g his sword above his head

10 strikes later

Jidambo:are you still standing red


Jidambo:your coat is red

Y/n:oh right well are you done because if you are then it's my turn now

Jidambo:I'm not done I just need to bring out more weaponry

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