season 8 part 4:ichigo vs ulqiuorra

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Ulqiuorra is moving towards Ichigo Ichigo jumps upwards and swings his blade straight down sending out a nameless getsuga ulqiuorra pushes his left back with his wings and charges a cero and then fires the two attacks clash and end up at a stand still Ichigo falls back to the ground and lands on his feet ulqiuorra looking straight at Ichigo the two are equal

Ulqiuorra:how can this be even in my release state I expected to end this quickly and show him despair yet nothing has changed after he put on Gus mask his power increased incredible and it's not showing any shine of disappearing has he become so so strong that it will never disappear lorda izen said that these vizards his failed experiments have a time limit yet he doesn't seem to why

White Zangetsu:soo what do you think king my mask is incredible Isn't it

Ichigo:yeah it is

Old man Zangetsu:remember do not let your guard down

Ichigo:yeah I know

Ulqiuorra leans his body forward and Ichigo tightens his grip on Tensa Zangetsu

The two charge forward however before they clash ulqiuorra disappears and appears behind Ichigo and throws his javelin of spirit energy Ichigo flips over it and ulqiuorra create another the two clash and then jump back ulqiuorra fly's up Ichigo soon to follow not letting him get away again

Ulqiuorra looks back at Ichigo who is following and begins charging a cero once more Ichigo seeing ulqiuorra charge a cero begins charging a getsuga ulqiuorra flips his body and throws his javelin at Ichigo who moves to the side watching the javelin go right past his face looking back he sees ulqiuorra is gone but he hears something at his side and looks but is to late ulqiuorra has fired his cero at point blank range destroying the piller behind Ichigo

Once the cero disappears Ichigo stands there blocking the blast a bit of his mask gone and his coat burned

Ulqiuorra:I will destroy that mask and his hope of winning this battle

Ichigo:that was close

The mask repairs itself thanks to white Zangetsu helping Ichigo

Ulqiuorra:I will

The two look at each other then charge forward

Ulqiuorra:I will not


Ulqiuorra goes to swing his javelin sideways Ichigo flips over it and above ulqiuorra fires a getsuga

Ulqiuorra goes to swing his javelin sideways Ichigo flips over it and above ulqiuorra fires a getsuga

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Ulqiuorra spins his javelin in a circles at high speeds as the getsuga hits

(A/n:somehow this will block the get the fuck out of my way energy beam)

The getsuga spreads out from the javelin saving ulqiuorra from being hit however ulqiuorra's eyes quickly widen when he realizes Ichigo is no longer in front of him no Ichigo is no longer in front of ulqiuorra but behind him ulqiuorra goes to turn around but hears Ichigo say something

Ichigo:your finished GETSUGA TENSHO

Ulqiuorra is caught in the blast a explosion is born thanks to the giant getsuga Ichigo fired

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Ulqiuorra is caught in the blast a explosion is born thanks to the giant getsuga Ichigo fired

Ulqiuorra is caught in the blast a explosion is born thanks to the giant getsuga Ichigo fired

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Ichigo:not done YET

Ichigo begins charging a nothing getsuga

Ichigo begins charging a nothing getsuga

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The explosions becomes even bigger Ichigo stands there watching the smoke go away but then spiritual pressure comes down on Ichigo making him flinch at the amount being released ulqiuorra walks out of the smoke green and black energy coming from h...

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The explosions becomes even bigger Ichigo stands there watching the smoke go away but then spiritual pressure comes down on Ichigo making him flinch at the amount being released ulqiuorra walks out of the smoke green and black energy coming from his body

Ulqiuorra:now is the time I've had enough I shall so you what true despair looks like the green energy envelops ulqiuorra as Ichigo watches

To be continued

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