season 9 part 11:Truth Of The Mask Part 8

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Shinji is battling the hollowfied Kensei while everyone else deals with mashiro

Shinji:damn I could actually really go for some help here these masks there hollow masks and their spiritual pressure is more hollow like as well not to mention far more potent and far stronger what is causing this it makes no sense

Hyroi jumps out of the forest and goes after Kensei however the hollowfied mashiro appears in front of her and goes for another kick as hyroi flips her body her palms landing on mashiros leg and then hyroi pushes herself up in the air as hollowfied Kensei who is currently locked blades against Shinji jumps back and attacks hyroi rose however activities his Shinji and uses it to pulls hollowfied Kensei down however the hollowfied mashiro appears with her foot about to meet roses face but before she can a gold chain made from Reiatsu following the chain leads it back to hachi who is currently working overtime to keep mashiro from moving as Lisa appears above her and goes to cut the mask as mashiro blocks it with her other foot that isn't chained down

Time skip

Once they finally got the upper hand the battle was interrupted by Tousen who quickly cut them all down save for Shinji who was cut down by a hollowfied hiyori the hollowfication now spreading among all of them

Shinji: hold on your kaname tell me why did you do that to them why did you betray us

Aizen:he didn't betray anyone in fact he is incredibly loyal he was just following my orders you of all people can understand that so please don't hold it against him captain Hirako

Shinji:Sosuke I should have known it was you

Aizen:you mean you were onto me that was very good

Shinji:of course that's why I'm a captain

Aizen:when did you suspect

Shinji:from the beginning from the time you were in your mother's womb hell maybe even before then

Aizen:how witty of you

Shinji:to be perfectly honest I always felt you were someone dangerous someone who could never really be trusted and as long as we're telling the truth here that's the real reason I made you my lieutenant I only did it to keep a close eye on you sosuke

Aizen:hehehe yes I must thank you for that captain Hirako I depended on your deep distrust of me to make sure you kept watching  that's what made misleading you so simple

Shinji:your were never out of my sight so then what are you getting at

Aizen:simply that you were keeping a eye on the wrong person

Shinji looks towards aizen seeing the smirk on his face

Aizen:during this past month when you were so aware of my presence it wasn't me that was following you


Aizen:you see captain I have a very useful ability I can make anyone mistake any phenomenon for something else at will that is the true power of my Zanpakuto Kyoka Suigetsu I have taken to referring to it by the common term complete and utter Hypnosis

Shinji:so then your saying you hypnotized me

Aizen:you are a sharp intellect captain Hirako but your suspicious and that gave me a opening you never received me as your second command the way the other captains did  if you had perhaps you might have been able to see through me  however you did not and because you didn't trust me  you always kept me at arms length never opening up to me  or giving me information and of course you never tried to get closer to me that's why I was able to take advantage of you so easily the fact is you never realized that at a certain point I switched places with a completely different person I made sure the man that took my place memorized everything about my normal behavior patterns and especially my patterns of interaction when dealing with you and the other squad members if you had really been paying attention to me even slight differences in habits or behaviors would have all seemed out of place to you you were to arrogant to believe that I was smart enough to be one step ahead of you because you never really knew who I was  you now lie there completely helpless do you understand the depths of your situation now my dear captain Hirako

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