season 2 part 8:training begins

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The three of them are fighting but y/n feels rukai finally but byakuya is near them

Y/n:ichigo listen I'm going on ahead got can I leave this to you

Ichigo:go ahead go save your girlfriend

Y/n:she's not my girlfriend

Y/n quickly bolts towards byakuya's spirit energy source

Kenpachi:where's your brother going leaving you all alone like that we're in the middle of a fight

Ichigo:we came here to save rukia he's going to go save her and our friends

Kenpachi:fine what ever just shut up and fight

The two continue their fight

With byakuya

Byakuya:scatter...... Senbonsakura

Ganju is bloodied and falls to the ground as byakuya raises his sword to kill him

Rukia:brother please don't do it!!!

Swing..... Clasp

??? :byakuya what are you doing drawing your sword here is a class one offense

Byakuya:we are under war conditions it's allowed ukitake

Ukitake:what war conditions has the invasive really gotten that bad

Ukitake looks at ganju and his eyes widen

Ukitake:byakuya this man is a Shiba

Byakuya:right now he is a invader he is to die


Power suddenly comes down on all of them even byakuya is having trouble standing as most of it is focused on him

Ukitake:this spiritual pressure it's clearly on the level of a captain but I don't recognise it

Y/n appears I n the air having shot up into the sky like a rocket and lands on the bridge

Y/n:hey rukia hanataro sorry things for scary


Y/n:hey rukia *smirks*

Rukia:idiot I told you not to chase after m-

Y/n had hugged rukia to shut her up

Y/n:I told you your my friend and now I'll tell you I'm here to rescue you Rukia


Y/n stops hugging rukia and starts walking towards byakuya

Y/n:hey byakuya I'm gonna fuck your face up

Rukia:y/n be nice

Y/n:nnnnnno I'm going to leave you on the ground laying in heart break and failure

Byakuya forces his spiritual energy on y/n who brings out Claudius

Byakuya:I don't know how you came here but it doesn't matter your going to regret coming here

Y/n:and your gonna regret leaving me to die

Byakuya flash steps behind y/n as he tries to stab y/n in the back y/n blocks it

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