Season 13 Part 10:Yamamotos anger

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Y/n is facing down the two Quincy as the two of them seem hesitant to attack him however y/n notices that the water on the ground seems to be disappearing and his own lips cracking


Y/n looks at the Quincy

Y/n:sooo are we going to do this or not

The Quincy look at one another

As Nodt:no we have been ordered to leave you and your brother be for now

Y/n:i beg your pardon  ... Then explain why I was attacked not 5 minutes ago

As Nodt:the weaker quincies were not told such

The two Quincy turn to leave as y/n rushed towards them


Ichigo has gotten the go ahead from ulquorra and somehow grimmjow Ichigo is moving far quicker then Arme about to deliver the final blow urahara throws something at Ichigo who catches it seeing that it's a phone Ichigo lands on the ground and looks at kisuke

Kisuk:listen to what he has to say I'll fight while you do

Ichigo nods his head sheathing his cyber knife and puts the phone up to his head

Akon:Ichigo kurosaki listen closely we are under attack and we need you to come to soul society quickly


Yamamoto is confronting the one who stole his lieutenants bankai

Quincy:HAHAHA THE HEAD CAPTAIN OF THE SOUL SOCIETY I'm glad you've come to face me I'll crush you with your lieutenants bankai

Lighting begins striking down all around them


Choujirou:I've decided Eijisai dono I'm going to learn bankai to better work under you

Yamamoto looks back at the young Choujirou

Yamamoto:Don't call me Eijisai

Choujirou:sorry sir

Yamamoto:but you never did stop calling me that did you

1 Month later



Choujirou:I'M SORRY

Yamamoto sighs as he looks at choujirou

Yamamoto:what are you doing here

Choujirou:I've come to become your right arm


Choujirou:just as last month I've learned and mastered my Bankai

Yamamoto:Then show it to me in a duel

Yamamoto:I told him it was a childish bankai and he didn't even get upset he simply agreed

Choujirou:yes that's why I'm going to work on it for the rest of my life so that it will be useful to you

Yamamoto:he did manage to give me a scare changing the one I already had on my forehead into a cross it's because of him that people began to call me juujisai but he continued to call me Eijisai saying he could never change the way he called me because of a scare he gave me . .. It's because of choujirou I took on the name Genryuusai

Flashback end Yamamoto has just been hit with the lighting from the bankai as the Quincy behins to laugh like a mad man stopping once fire spreads every where the water around then begining to disappear

Yamamoto:I understand choujirou you must be so insulted...



Yamamoto grabs his zanpakuto the water completely disappearing as in one swing the Quincy who stole his choujirous bankai has his upper body turned to ash

Yamamoto:I am sorry choujirou you were a Loyal right arm ..... I'll take this man's right arm in exchange for taking mine choujirou

Yamamoto grabs the Quincies right arm and then rips it off of him before incinerating the body and tossing the arm in the air and turning it to dust as well

To be continued

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