Season 13 Part 23:seireitei gone

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Y/n has arrived back up the stairs and is being guided immediately to the throne room once arriving y/n takes his place

Yhwach:your finally here good.... Now let us begin our take over


Soul reapers ever watch in shock and fear as shadows begin to twist and turn before jumping out and covering all of seireitei twisting and turning as they do so at once point a tornado of shadows moves through the sky as the shadows fall to the ground once more seireitei is no more and the Quincy empire now stands proud where seireitei once was

Shunsui:... Well that's not fair at all and after all the trouble I went through to set some traps they just take the home field advantage away from us

Nanao:captain should we move

Shunsui:no we're stay here

Nanao:yes sir

Ichigo who is at the soul Palace having been training now meditating waiting listening to old man Zangetsu's advice and focusing on finding any hint of y/n's spiritual pressure or waiting to go and bring him back to his senses waiting as he feels a bolt of lighting quickly flashing ichigos's eyes widen as a hint of y/n's reiastu becomes sensible to him for just a solid second as he rushes out of the room he's in rukia, byakuya and renji having already been sent on their way to join the fight

Ichibe:oh you're here quickly looking to go join the fight

Ichigo:that's right

Ichibe:well let's send you on your way then shall we


Yhwach:they had no idea.... That we have been hiding for over a 1000 years right under their noises  .... Soul reapers are so arrogant  ... Kill them

The Quincy's and sternritter jump out of the throne room going into battle immediately

Yhwach:and what will you do y/n

Y/n:me...i will fight as well

Yhwach:I see then before you do go my son

Yhwach throws something at y/n who catches it looking at it to see that it's the pendant yhwach used to take Yamamotos bankai

Yhwach:that is of no use to me so why don't you have it consider it a gift.... A present for all the birthdays I could give nothing to you

Y/n:how kind I'll be going now let's go Liliana

Liliana:yes my prince

Yhwach:actually a thought just crossed my mind... Why don't you make sure no one comes up here


Yhwach:I know that such work is usually reserved for grunts... But I want you close for when we move upwards towards the prison of the soul king

Y/n:very well

Y/n and Liliana dissapear as haschwalth frown at this yhwach looks over to uryu

Yhwach:and what will you do

Uryu:I'll stay here.... And take care of anyone who gets past him

Yhwach:do you truly believe that anyone will get past him

Uryu:there is always a chance

Yhwach:I see your point very well


Rukia, byakuya and renji have all landed in seireitei as they split up renji going to go fight the masked Quincy who dropped kicked him and byakuya looking for a but of revenge against the one who stole his bankai rukia moves to find y/n and bring him back


haschwalth:your majesty.... I shall go and eliminate the new head captain

Yhwach:very well do as you will but should I call you back I expect you to return immediately understand

Haschwalth:yes your majesty

Haschwalth dissapear as yhwach sits on his throne watching as explosions begin to appear all around

Yhwach:the final battle begins

To be continued

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