season 2 part 11:uryu vs mayuri final

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Power is radiating off of uryu

Mayuri:even though I immobilized his limbs with the Ashisogi jizo yet he's up  oh I know this is Ransotengai it involves taking countless threads of spirit particles bundling together and and connecting them it immobilized parts to forcibly move them like a puppet on strings originally created by elderly Quincy's to continue fighting hollows with there clumsy old body's whether their tendons were cut or there bones to to dust it all means nothing to those who have mastered this technique it it will mallow the Quincy to continue fighting until his body has literally turned to dust.....

The power surrounding uryu pushes past mayuri

Mayuri:I had thought it was a lost art  existing only in history books in fact the 2,661 subjects I dissected none could use it so to find that you can use it at such a young age you really are something special perhaps even a true genius

Uryu:a genius you shouldn't refer to it by such a commonplace term


Uryu:my ransotengai is more then a defense or way to protect my life until I avenge my master even if my body is turned to dust it is the expression of my will to fight

Mayuri:I'll retract the word genius your just a green horn little brat

Flash back

Uryu's father:uryu I understand that you went to your grandfather's place again..... How many times do I have to tell you to stop going there

Child uryu:but dad

Uryu's father:don't argue with me if I told you once I told you a thousand times it's pointless to try and save the dead

Child uryu:father

Uryu's father:that is a soul reapers job the only thing you should worry about is how to save the living  I have no interest this and you have no talent for it the Quincy's will become extinct with your grand fathers generation do you understand me uryu

Child uryu:but father why do you hate being a Quincy so much?

Uryu's father looks at uryu

Uryu's father:because there is no profit in it

flash backs end

Uryu is staring down mayuri

Uryu's grandfather: you must realize there is some truth to what your father says

Flash back again

Child uryu is crying to his grandfather

Uryu's grandfather:these days you can't put food on the table by just being a Quincy and with a family to support that's a big problem

Child uryu:but still

Uryu's grandfather:now try to see things from his Prepective

Child uryu:I can't I saw them attack hollows and people being attacked by them I saw them kill people the soul reapers can't handle all of them... I'm sure dad can see it to so how can he say such things.... Master

Uryu's grandfather:hmm?

Child uryu:I want to become strong! I want to become powerful! I want to become a strong Quincy and protect everyone from the hollows

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