season 10 part 4:A way out

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Y/n looks at the fire as he can hear the sounds of fighting y/n tightens his grip on Claudius as he plunges his blade into the fire but the heat is to much for him to bear as he ends up pulling back as the skin on his hand bubbles before slowly healing deciding to return caliber from shikai back to a sheath y/n places both hands on Claudius slightly flinching do to the burn even his own blast of spirit energy when he grabbed it didn't hurt like this but he grits his teeth and powers through as he plunges  Claudius back through mixing his fire with Yamamoto s before it becomes to much and he has to stop once more hands burned to a crisp

Y/n:damn it how the hell am I supposed to get us out of here without using  emperor's domain

Claudius:performer I have been quite about this but you've died and you refused to do you cannot truly entend to keep my greatest ability hidden because of a mad king

Y/n:I can and I will we're find a different way I won't show it not when that damn Quincy King.. Could be.... Wait... Quincy

Y/n looks towards Ichigo and his father


Ichigo:what's up got a plan to get us out of here

Isshin:whatever it is it won't be easy I doubt it will even be possible this is the head captains Ryujin Jakka it's the most powerful fire type Zanpakuto even my Engetsu doesn't quite stack up in strength to that monster of a sword

Y/n:I'm going to absorb the fire

Ichigo eyes widen as y/n says this


Y/n:dads right this fire is to much for me as a soul reaper but if I can use my Quincy abilities to take the reishi from the fire into my own being I should be able to mix it with Claudius's fire of course there's no telling if it will even work but I have to try

Ichigo:take the reishi can you even do that

Y/n:ordinary no Quincy's can't take in soul reaper energy at least not in a large amount it would tear there bodies apart as they are not physically strong enough for it Quincy's draw in reishi from the surrounding area while soul reapers have their own internal supply which can be restored by rest or slowly taking in reishi from the surrounding area hollows are similar however neither hollows or soul reapers can take in reishi as quick as a quincys can I think that's why hollows devour souls to recharge their batteries so to speak but arrancar don't have this issue as they are more like soul reapers

Ichigo:is their a point to this lesson

Y/n:you still don't get it I'm saying it's because we've inherited Quincy's blood that we can absorb reishi at that same rate allowing us to recharge our energy faster if you ever bothered to learn


Isshin:there's one problem like you said the bodies of Quincy's are to weak to take in the power output a soul reaper has and keep it for long periods of time you could be torn apart

Y/n:i think your Forgetting that I'm not just a Quincy's I'm a soul reaper and a hollow all three rolled into one and I've bothered to learn my soul reaper form is stronger then my human body as the human body can only take so much so I'm going to draw in this reishi and make our way out

Ichigo:how long do you think it will take

Y/n:I don't know maybe a few minutes if im reckless a hour if I'm overly careful

Ichigo:it's our only shot just don't kill your self


Y/n takes hold of his sheath but not bothering to activate his shikai

Y/n:sorry about this caliber this may burn a little think you can take it

Caliber:I'll endure it for you master

Amaya&Claudius:the energy will likely be to much for her to handle without help so we're pass what she pulls in back and forth before it merges with your reishi

Claudius:performer you do know that you could just active bankai and use your emperors domain to cancel out the head captains powers long enough for you to get out right

Y/n:I refuse that power Is being saved for that damn Quincy's king I will not use it until than I won't argue about this with you

Claudius: but performer if this kills you you won't get the chance to use it on him anyway

Y/n:please just trust me I can handle it

Caliber:master if this works you should expect a power boost but before that perhaps you should expect the most agonizing pain you've ever experienced and extreme heat

Y/n:then we're just have to hope that the reishi doesn't tear me into pieces

Amaya:or the heat kills us before or even after we've taken it into our being


Y/n sticks his sheath forward the part where the sword goes facing the fire as the flames slowly begin to break apart and enter the sheath

Isshin:just make sure you do this carefully son this could kill you and I don't want to have to explain this to yuzu or karin

Outside the wall of flames Aizen stands off against the Captains and The Vizards

Shinji:listen I'll go first you see a opening you take it illusion or not got it

Hyori:just..... Be careful idiot

Shinji flash steps towards aizen

Aizen:are you the first obstacle then Captain Hirako

Shinji:you know you seem proud of you Zanpakutos power can't say I blame you but if you think your the only one who's Zanpakutos power is that of illusions then your sadly mistaken.... Now collapse Sakanade

To be continued

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