Season 13 Part 24:meeting rukia and y/n

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Y/n and Liliana wait for someone to show as the sound of feet touching the ground sounds out y/n looks to see who has come though he doesn't need to see he knows who it is immediately rukia stands there looking at him

Rukia:y/n...i found you

Y/n:I wasn't exactly hiding from you or anyone else

Rukia:why did you go with them

Y/n:it's good to see you to rukia


Y/n looks at rukia taking notice of her shaking hands as y/n looks in to rukia eyes staring colder at her making her flinch

Y/n:you should leave

Rukia:what... Im not leaving you here I'm not going anywhere NOW TELL ME WHAT YOU'RE PLANNING Y/N

Y/n:...i...see so you won't leave.....Liliana wait here will you

Liliana bows slightly as y/n launches himself towards rukia as her eyes shoot wide in shock y/n grabs rukia by the waist and shoots off into the sky as rukia screams at y/n to let her go y/n doesn't listen and getting tired of yelling and being ignored rukia pushes y/n off as they both land on top of a building

Rukia:what's the plan here y/n you're not the type to do something without having some type of idea of what you're do next are you going to leave me here I'll just follow after you

Y/n:you're being a real pain rukia you know that

Y/n rests a hand on his sword looking into rukia eyes as the widen at y/n as his rested hand now moves and grips Claudius

Rukia:.... I won't fight you... I can't fight you but I need to know... What your plan is how can I help I know you're not a traitor I know it so what do you need help with JUST TELL ME SO I CAN HELP YOU

Y/n:you're wrong you know there have been a few times where I didn't think things through

Y/n dissapear and reappears in front of rukia who's eyes widen his sword no in his hand

Y/n:but I assure you this isn't one of those times

Rukia eyes widen at seeing y/n now holding his sword as she looks down but loses her balance falling onto her front as y/n catches her her consciousness leaving her y/n sets her down staring at her before taking his coat off and throwing it on her and then leaving back towards his post

Liliana:your back so soon


Y/n looks at himself



Y/n:could you get me a new coat

Liliana:of course I'll be right back

Y/n looks up thinking to himself as byakuya and renji both in their respective fights look up in shock at feeling rukias spirit energy dissapear


Y/n says this to himself standing in place till Liliana returns she gives y/n the coat as he puts it on  looking around and up towards the sky seeing no one y/n sighs as he feels several reapers raise their spirit energy output obviously getting ready to fight as y/n falls onto his ass sitting down on a step thinking to himself

Liliana:my prince.... Is everything alright

Y/ no nothing is ok right now

Liliana:... I see I'm... Sorry my prince 

Liliana moves and sits beside y/n in a attempt to help him as the two wait for someone else to arrive

Meanwhile uryu is at the top with yhwach as he looks to the side looking over the edge

Uryu:I can't believe it.... Rukias spirit energy has completely dissapeared....... Strange did she.... Die after just showing up that doesn't make sense it was strong just a moment ago

Yhwach:something wrong uryu

Uryu:no your majesty just thinking

Yhwach:I see

To be continued

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