season 4 part 6:to squad four

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The zanpakuto it's unique shape and abilities are defined by it's soul reaper the soul reaper is able to harness the power of the zanpakuto by learning it's name and forming a synergistic unit the zanpakuto is born with it's soul reaper and dies with it's soul reaper that is the existence of a zanpakuto

(A/n:and that's your zanpakuto class hope you enjoyed now get out of my class room)

Y/n has made it to squad six an
is searching byakuya's office

Y/n:let's see what we got here

Y/n is searching around the squad Barracks and comes up empty handed

Y/n:damn wait I didn't look in his office yet

Y/n walks to the office and goes to the sliding door y/n puts his hand on it and pulls it open the door

Once in the room y/n walks over to byakuya's desk and tries to pull open a  drawer to find it locked y/n pulls it open breaking the lock

Y/n:I'll pay him back

Y/n finds a piece of paper with the writing on it

Y/n:what do we have here let's see strange was training with renji once I released my ban-kai I was cut and senbonzakura seemed out if control I know what this means it's finally time mmmmmmm

Step step step.

Y/n looks up

Renji walked in looking battered

Y/n:what happened to you

Renji:y/n what are you doing here

Y/n:rukia Told me that byakuya went missing I thought I should look for clues

Renji:well sorry to say but the rooms already been searched they didn't find anything

Y/n:really because I did

Y/n holds up the peace of paper he found

Renji:how where di-

Y/n:it was in the desk

Renji:but his desk was walked how did you....... You broke his desk didn't you

Y/n:Hehe hehehe

Renji:whatever let me see

Y/n hands the paper over as renji looks it over

Renji:any idea what it means by its finally time

Y/n:not a clue I'm going to go check estate

Renji:actually what y don't I go with you I have a better place for you to check but before that we need to head to squad four and show them this


Suddenly a women with a lot of hair and a kid that seems to have a snake tail manifest

Thru get close to y/n Claudius, caliber and Amaya manifest

Claudius:please back away from my performer

Snake:and what if we don't

Renji:zabimaru stop what are you doing

Y/n:did you say zabimaru

Renji:yeah but hey who's she

Renji points to Amaya

Time skip to after that explanation and renji being surprised and then messing with y/n for seducing the hollow  laughing it off

Y/n:so your a women now

Monkey:that's right we met before and you don't recognize us that's kinda rude you know

Y/n:last I saw you two you were a monkey and a snake so forgive me if I didn't realize who you where right off the bat

Caliber:what do you want with master anyway getting close to him like that

Monkey:I want a apology


Renji:a apology?

Amaya:and what for stupid monkey

Monkey:hey fuck you

Amaya:the only one I would consider allowing to do that is my king y/n *blushes slightly*

Renji:your pretty smooth with the ladies aren't you

Y/n:oh shut up what do you want me to apologize for

Snake:we want a apology for breaking us

Y/n:I broke you


Y/n:did I do that

Claudius:I think we would remember breaking a monkey in two

Caliber:I don't recall snapping a snake in two

Amaya:guess you lot are making stuff up



Y/n:look I don't remember breaking you sorry alright if I did I'm sorry

Monkey:whatever it's the most we're gonna get out of you

Snake:so rude

Y/n:any way you said we should go to squad four right let's go


Y/n:aren't you girls going to return to my inner world

Amaya:na we what to be on the out side with you for a while alright


Caliber:please let us master

Claudius:UMU please performer

Y/n:oh alright let's go

All three:yeah /UMU


Y/n:you say something

Renji:no no nothing let's go

The two soul reapers and thier zanpakuto spirits leave for squad four barracks

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Munamasa:how..... *coughs up blood* how did they refuse my control y/n and his swords springs *coughs up blood* are really something

Ichigo goes running by munamasa hides behind a corner

Munamasa:the brother let's see what he can do

There you go guys let me know what you think in the comments

There you go guys let me know what you think in the comments

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