Season 11 part 7:seal

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Yamamoto:this next discussion is about the sighting we had of the first substitute soul reaper

Y/n:..wait the first how many exactly have there been

Byakuya:counting the two of you there have been three in total kubo ginjo was the first

Y/n:ok so head captain if I may can I take a guess on what this is about and why we're here


Y/n:my guess is simple he went rouge and you want one if not both of us to go get him is that it

Yamamoto:not quite that easy we wish to know what he has been up to as well as why show up a few days after the battle with Aizen we have also gotten readings on a hollow like power radiating off of him as we know the two of you have hollow like abilities as well we would ask that you allow us to for the time being seal you powers we predict that it may take three years for him to gain the strength he believes necessary to strike at us

Ichigo:seal our power WHAT THE HELL OLD


Isshin:why don't you both calm down

After taking a few breathes y/n calms down

Y/n:and can we know exactly what you did to make him go rouge

A silence fills the room no body even dares to move after five minutes the Yamamoto speaks

Yamamoto:very well you both have earned that right the substitute soul reaper combat badge is not just to tell you when hollows appear nor is it to simply push you soul out of your body while it does this as well as signifies
The right to conduct soul reaper duties its true purpose is is surveillance and control the badge allows us to monitor your reishi and the out put as well as listen in in case you plan to betray soul society

Ichigo sighs at this as the other captains look at him in curiosity at his reaction

Y/n: it's not exactly easy for a organization to deem whether or not a person will be of use so to get a good idea on this you planted the substitute soul reaper combat pass making the substitutes believe to be a simple tool they can use he likely feels like you've all betrayed his trust

Ichigo:but you grew a pair and told us even if it was so we would help take him down give

Y/n:but before we agree to anything will we still be able to converse with our Zanpakuto spirits

Kisuke walks in a this point giving a apology for being late

Kisuke:that's not likely at least not immediately but remember this seal will weaken over time it's only meant to last three years and there's the fact that your bodies need to get used to your new found power going into them right now and they would probably turn to dust from shock I've actually put a bit of the seal on you both so that you could interact with everyone Ichigo what do you think I was doing with the paint

Ichigo:..... Shut up

Y/n:what do you girls think

Amaya:I don't like it

Caliber:but we must or his body will be destroyed

Amaya:I still don't wanna do this

Claudius:I don't like it either but we will do what we must and it's not like it will last forever

Y/n:alright wait this would seal two out of three of you AS Its only really targeting my soul reaper and hollow powers

Caliber:I may be ok with this

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