Season 13 part 31:number one protector on a war path

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Y/n is placed into a machine that has fills with water surrounding his body

Kisuke:let's hope this works

Rukia:what is it

Kisuke:....... It's a similar to the hotspings up In the soul palace and at the training ground....... This water draws in spirit energy and will in a sense feed it to y/n from what I can tell the reason he's not healing is because he's exhausted all his spirit energy this should help with that

Rukia:i.... See I'm staying right here to gaurd him then

Liliana:I'll do the same

Rukia:Who are you


Rukia:the way you held onto y/n even with those holes in your body

Rukia looks at Liliana she's managed to use her Quincy abilities to stop the bleeding as Urahara is tending to her

Rukia:... What's your name

Liliana:.... For the longest time I didn't have a name.... I couldn't remember it.... But my master.... The one person who I will give my all for... He has gifted me with a new name and a place I can belong... I'm Liliana it's very nice to meet you... Rukia kuchiki

Rukia looks to Liliana who stares back not flinching under rukia's cold gaze

Rukia:your all huh

Liliana:yes.... Everything

The two look at each other before look down with sad smiles and both turning to look at y/n who floats in the liquid

Rukia:I guess we're the same then

Kisuke:this boy....... You can't help but make allies can you y/n

Ichigo and his group have landed as Ichigo begins walking officially on a war path yet no one to take his anger out on his group follow behind him letting him have his space and will help him when he needs it Ichigo walks path Ichibe

Ichibe:Ichigo my bo-

Ichibe watches as Ichigo walks past him paying him no mind as his footsteps echo

Ichibe:.... You should calm your mind

But this falls on dead ears as Ichigo is already past him the only ones who hear what ichibe say is the group that came with Ichigo as Ichigo walks forward in total silence his eyes flash gold for just a second before he grabs the small cyber knife at his side and swings it blowing the door down as yhwach turns around it seems he was looking at the soul king

Yhwach:Ichigo kurosaki I see you-

Ichigo swings his cyber knife at yhwach who moves out of the way dodgeing as the blast shoots upward just barely missing the soul king destroying the roof as yhwach looks back at where Ichigo once stood to see him gone before breathing is heard behind yhwach as he turns and comes face to face with Ichigo who's eyes flash gold once more Ichigo reaches up and grabs his sword off his back and sheathing the blade now holding both of his swords as yhwach looks on at Ichigo



Kisuke:.... The sad thing is.... There's no guarantee this will save you y/n

Kisuke faces the container a solem look on his face



Kisuke:why hello isshin how can I help you this evening


Kisuke: huh that's nice I'll have to pay a visit someday

Isshin:Actually... Kisuke I want to ask you something

Kisuke: what is it

Isshin:.... If I know my wife she's asking ryuken to be their Quincy God father or whatever she called it so I'm asking if your be ya know

Kisuke:isshin im not really the type of person to be a soul guardian

Isshin:here it's called God father ya know HEY HOW ABOUT SOUL GOD FATHER Masaki probably already thought that up though she's smart ya know

Kisuke:isshin you can't be-

Isshin looks to kisuke

Isshin:I'm serious kisuke... You've done a lot helping us... You helped me to thank Masaki for saving my own life... And it's because of you I even have these sons now... And this happy family... So please

Kisuke:... Alright isshin you win

Flashback end

Kisuke:some soul guardian I turned out to be... I let you do this to yourself.... Do me a favor....... And live.... Die long after all of us have died... That goes for both of you


Kisuke has shown up to the kurosaki clinic with toys and candy in hand

Kisuke:I'm not to good with baby's ya know so I just got what I thought kids would like

Masaki:you know babies can't exactly have candy kisuke

Kisuke:huh ? But I already got it

Masaki:I'm sure we're think of something to do with it

A baby Ichigo crawls down the hallway as Masaki takes notice and goes to pick him up as Ichigo points to the bedroom Masaki wondering why he could be pointing

Kisuke:how old are they now anyway

Masaki:their both official a year and a half years old now

Ichigo continues to point as crying is then heard

Masaki:do you mind I need to

Kisuke:oh well I'm not really

Masaki hands Ichigo to kisuke before going to check on y/n

Kisuke:umm.... Hi

Kisuke watches the little Ichigo grab for his hat as kisuke takes one hand and points to it before taking it off his head and setting it on ichigos as it covers both his head and his eyes going down to his nose kisuke tries to keep a laugh from escaping

Flashback end

Kisuke:knowing Ichigo... He's probably pissed and fighting right now...


Ichigo shoots toward towards yhwach raising both blades as yhwach who's sword is still Impailing the soul king has no choice but to Dodge the attacks each strike coming closer and closer to taking his head off yhwach grabs Ichigo by the hand as the cyber knife that is in that hand fires a getsuga as yhwach actives bult vein blocking the attack as the dust clears yhwach is standing his clothes burned and smoke coming off his body

Yhwach:.... Mm

Yhwach looks at his two hands now both ruined and unusable without a great deal of pain as Ichigo appears in front of him yhwach as to Dodge the attack once more as Ichigo cuts yhwach face just a little blood flying into the air from said cut as Ichigo keeps this up yhwach I'd back to dodging before raising one of his burnt hand from y/n's attack and summoning arrows and firing said arrows at Ichigo who blocks it with his cyber knife raises his long sword and inserts the cyber knife into the hole before firing the energy right back at yhwach but not before adding his own yhwach watches the blase come closer to him before he moves out of the way via jumping into the air landing back on the ground

Yhwach:..... Just as I told him...

Yhwach:I expect no less from my own blood line ... Now Ichigo.... SHOW ME EVEN MORE OF WHAT YOU ARE CAPABLE OF

Ichigo gives no thought to this as he rockets closer to yhwach planning to take his head off as yhwach gives a wicked smile as Ichigo draws ever closer

To be continued

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