season 6 part 1: A Nameless arrancar

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Toshiro who has been staying at ohrimes with his lieutenant rangiku have a screen and have been speaking with the head captain who is now allowing Momo and toshiro to talk

Momo:hey toshiro can I ask when your come back and I'd you know when cap..y/n will be coming back it's strange to say but the members of squad five really miss him

Toshiro:I'll be back when I'm called back and I don't know I'm guessing you miss him as well

Momo:oh I

Toshiro:you know he isn't your captain right he's still alive while I agree he would make a great captain I'm afraid that he won't be anyone's captain for a very long time

Momo:I know but well still hey toshiro I -

Suddenly Spiritual pressure comes down on the entire town

Toshiro:I have to go

Momo:be careful

Scene change brought to you by

Y/n is jumping from roof to roof looking for a arrancars Ichigo going to go fight grimmjow again until

Clang ting clang clang

Y/n:so who are you

Arrancar:I don't have a name I'm number 56 arrancar 56 I am with out a name

The arrancar has black hair pitch black and blood red eyes a black piece of a mask above his right eye in his hand a sword in the shape of a of a regular Katana but it's the feeling it gives off one of sadness

56:your y/n Kurosaki correct

Y/n:I am

56:will you face me in combat

Y/n:after you attacked you ask politely?

56:i needed to get your attention

Y/n:well you could have just said hey

56: apologies I shall ask you again then will you please face me in combat

Y/n:something is wrong with this guy not only is he asking me politely but he has this feeling of sadness like he's felt a great amount of pain

56:well should I ask once more please face me

Y/n:you didn't have to ask I was simply thinking about how odd it was to be asked this but alright I'll fight you

56:you have my thanks I hope you shall give me a good fight

The two look at each other both charge at the same time and swing their swords creating a small shock wave neither one of them break in eye contact y/n flips 56 upwards 56 allows this and gives a kick to y/n's chin before flipping in the air a total of 20 times before landing on his feet facing away from y/n and bending his knees and immediately throwing himself at y/n who has spit out blood from the amout of force that was delivered from the kick y/n's eyes widen to see 56 coming straight for him and jumps up into the air 56 seems to faze from reality and appears above y/n and swings down yl! Blocks it but this time is overwhelmed by the amout of strength 56 has and is thrown into the road below creating a small crater y/n is back on his feet looking up at 56 who I in the air looking down at y/n not even a drop of sweat shown on his body the two immediately charge each other once more and clash this time neither one is winning this the second one tries to purchase the other the other pushes back

Y/n pulls his sword Claudius back and 56 pulls his sword back and the two clash once more light in strikes down beside them at the amout of power the two are letting out yet neither one able to win

Y/n:just what the hell are you

56:i told you don't I not I have no Name

The two separate 56 flipping through the air and land in on a house

56:at least not any more Lord aizen saw fit to split my original self into three parts I and a shadow of my former self
My original power separated three different ways al three of us hold the same amount of power

Y/n:if he has this much power and if what he says is true then I...

56:shall we continue you see j. Actually having fun right now

Y/n:you don't sound like it

56:i see I apologize for that I'll try and be more expressive form here on let's continue please

Y/n:as you wish

The two energy's flair up a red energy surrounds y/n and a gray energy surrounds 56 yet something about it seems incomplete if what he says is true and he is just a part of his original self then what does he represent his original self's politeness perhaps or something else

The two charge each other once more and clash the force form the wind as the two clash is so great the clouds in the area are all pushed away leaving a clear sky as the team clash 56 pushes y/n's blade to the side flips his blade in its side and goes to stab y/n who ducks and goes for a kick to take out 56' legs 56 jumps above the kick and brings down his sword y/n rolls out of the way as 56 watches as y/n jumps onto his feet the two look at each other neither one giving a inch neither one moving until other not taking off once more and clash this time y/n before the clash ducks and goes for a upward stab planning to stab 5y through the neck up but 56 moves his head back and stabs his blade down it comes a inch from y/n's eye before he realises it's even there using flash step y/n quickly gets away looking up he sees 46 gone once more it's as if he faded from reality and reappears behind y/n going to stab him in the back but blut vien activates and keeps the blade form pushing in to far y/n jumps forward and flips through the air to where he's facing 56 with a look of shock even ulqiuorra didn't move this fast just who the hell is this guy who was he y/n now understands why aizen split him in three if he's this strong separated into three then how strong was he originally not allowing much time to think 56 quickly charges y/n who dodges it by flipping past 5y and swinging Claudius as 56 blocks it a small smile on his lips

Y/n:I need to calm down I'm fighting with a handy cap I'm only using one sword and I don't even have my mask but still

The two blades are locked together as if in a dance of life and death sparks flying between them

Y/n:I feel his emotions sadness that he was separated as if he no longer belongs

The two separate and go to charge each other but a golden light comes down from the sky recalling the arrancar number 56

Y/n:this is just like when

Flash back

Aizen:I alone shall Stan at the top

Flash back end

56:how sad it appears the mission was completed


56:forgive me but I cannot say good day I hope to face you once more one day
y/n kurosaki

There you go guys let me know what you think in the Comments

Deleted scene

56:forgive me but I cannot say good day I hope to face you once more one day
y/n kurosaki

56 is pulled into the air as y/n watches

Y/n:well....its a good thing I'm absolutely flawless

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