season 3 part 3:fight for revenge part 2

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Kira:but captain ichimaru

Gin:better move back Izuru Unless you want to get caught in the cross fire

Toshiro:don't be stupid Izuru it's not enough to just stay back  you need to get lost Kira in a few minutes your not going to want to be in 10 square miles of here  .... So start running and don't look back because if you stay here I can't guarantee I won't kill you by mistake

Toshiro immediately disappears after he finishes his sentence and appears above gin and swings down gin dodges it and the ground underneath him is destroyed

Toshiro comes out of the smoke and tryst to stab gin straight through the head he dodges it again still smirking toshiro then chases after him and swings his sword to the side trying to take gins head off gin moves his head back to dodge it but toshiro quickly swings his sword downward resulting in gin having to move his gut back  this toshiro swings for the head again but this time gin ducks it still smirking pissing toshiro off toshiro goes to stab gin though the chest the force of the wind comming off of his swings pushing Izuru back

Toshiro continues to try and stab gin this time going for the head but gin keeps moving his head to the side to avoid it toshiro tries again this time cutting of some hair gin jumps in the air as toshiro follows him gin has extended his sword go a normal sword leanth and is blocking toshiro's rapid strikes for the head until he pushes toshiro back as the two fall to the ground gin appears in front of toshiro and stabs the Wooden ground underneath them and pulls his sword up bring up some wood that is thrown into toshiro's face toshiro brings his hand up to block  but

Gin:an opening

Gin does a back flip and lands on the ground away from toshiro before he could take his head off

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Gin does a back flip and lands on the ground away from toshiro before he could take his head off

Gin:evidently the rumors are two Toshiro Hitsugaya captain of squad ten... A child prodigy of the sort that only comes around once every few hundred years scary I'll need to be  careful I myself was the child prodigy before you your really dangerous you know that

 A child prodigy of the sort that only comes around once every few hundred years scary I'll need to be  careful I myself was the child prodigy before you your really dangerous you know that

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