season 8 part 6: kenpachi vs Nnoritra

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Kenpachi jumps up laughing having the time of his life  Nnoritra laughs and swings upward kenpachi bats the weapon away and grabs Nnoritra by the face lifts him up and slams him down then kenpachi kits his blade and slams it down Nnoritra unleashes a cero blasting kenpachi back who is back up laughing

Kenpachi:you got some tough skin

Kenpachi says this with a wicked smile on his face loving ever moment of this fight Nnoritra smirks

Nnoritra:my skin is the strongest of all the espada you can't cut me

Kenpachi:HAHAHAHA is that right then why did you blast me away mmm to afraid to let me try is that it

Nnoritra:Idiot it's basic instinct of course I would avoid you blade

Nel:animals both of them it's like I'm watching a fight between to espada yet both of them are behaving like animals over a piece of meat

The two charge forward


Kenpachi swings down and Nnoritra blocks it before kicking kenpachi in the gut kenpachi however doesnt move a inch he grabs Nnoritra by the leg and swings his arm up pulling Nnoritra up and then kenpachi slams him on to the ground a wide wicked smirk never leaving his face kenpachi the flips his hold on his blade so the blade itself was facing down and stabs straight down Nnoritra moves his head and the blade hits right next to him Nnoritra then swings his weapon from the side kenpachi moves his head back but

The eye patch had been removed kenpachi seeing this let's out a annoyed sound Nnoritra is back on his feet and goes for the kill seeing kenpachi distracted only for a massive amout of spirit energy to blast him and Nel back yachiru never once moved just smiled at this


Nel:what's going on

Then the eye patch fly's by Nel who grabs it and looks at it to see tiny mouths she puts her finger by one and it bits her she feels her spirit energy weaken a bit and immediately pulls back

Nel:why would anyone do something like this to themselves

Nnoritra:what the hell did you do

Kenpachi:me it's what you did you took off my eye patch

Nnoritra:what was it something so important to you that you got angry

Kenpachi:it was a seal you see I have so much spirit energy that I use that eye patch to weaken me so I can enjoy my fights more now that you took it off I'm at full power

Another big burst of spirit energy comes form kenpachi as the spiritual pressure comes down on everyone but yachiru simply looks happy

Kenpachi:and I can only hope you can keep me entertained before you die

To be continued

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