season 3 part2:fight for revenge

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Momo has broken out of her cell as her childhood friend and captain of squad ten is checking her cell

Guard:I'm sorry captain lieutenant Hinamori called and I turned around and then I was unconscious that's it I don't remember anything else im so sorry captain

Toshiro: Momo is a master at kido doing something like this is childs play for her don't blame yourself there's no way you could have stopped it the steel she used was hakufuku


Toshiro:as I said Momo is a master at kido if we truly wished to restrain her  we should have sealed her spiritual energy but that wasn't done because no one expected her to go this far

There's a giant ass hole in the wall of the cell where you can see the sky

The lieutenant of squad ten is rangiku Masomoto

Rangiku:but it's not like she was being threatened with execution so why

Toshiro:there is one explanation Rangiku


Toshiro:your to go home at once that is a order I just hope I have enough time left to save her

Toshiro jumps out the hole in the wall and is chasing running as if his life depends on it

Toshiro:Momo don't do anything stupid until I get there please

Scene change

Momo is hiding in the trees

Scene change

Gin and his Kira

(That's his first name easier to remember)

Toshiro:I expected I might find you here together

toshiro is across from them arms crossed

Kira:captain hitsugaya

Toshiro:only kira's cell was unlocked from the outside not broken in some way

Gin smiles

Toshiro:if you wanted to keep it a secret your were a little careless don't you think aya Gin

Gin:it's funny that you would accuse me of being careless when the fact is I did it on purpose so you'd know squad ten captain

Toshiro:it's a good thing I got here before Momo did

Toshiro puts his hand on his blade ready to draw it

Toshiro:before she gets here your be dead

Momo appears in the air and she lands in the middle of the two captains

Toshiro:Momo no he's to strong for yo-

Momo draws her blade and points it at toshiro

Toshiro:Momo what are you doing

Momo:I'm here to avenge captain Aizen
Before telling me  why would you do that toshiro why would you kill him

Gin simply stands there smiling as Kira is quiet as can be

Momo:I know everything captain Aizen made a letter telling me every thing you plan to do you plan to bring the soul society to its knees and become a God 


Momo:it's true it's all here in captain Aizens letter you plan to try and take control of the sokyoku the captain wrote it all down it's here in this letter

Aizen:Momo the true purpose of this execution is not to kill rukia kuchiki she's merely s pawn this execution was contrived in order to steal a certain object the true objective of this is the sokyoku  the sokyoku's seal is broken only for an execution in that blade lies the destructive power of a million zanpakuto it also possesses the defensive ability to block equally powerful zanpakuto as well it can't be stopped by  a zanpakuto of equal or lesser power more importantly when a soul reaper is crucified and stabbed with the Sokyoku
It's power grows dozens of times over  the one who plotted this execution plans to use this power to destroy not only the seireitei but the soul society it's self and become God

Momo:and the name of the person who plans to do all of this is....Toshiro Hitsugaya.....


Momo:the letter goes on to say

Aizen:I've called him out to the sacred Eastern wall tonight I must stop his plan somehow

Momo:if I cannot talk him out of it then I must fight him with my until the end even if my sword shatters and I die then I ask if you Momo to stop this please stop this madness I ask you not as your captain but as a humble man who cares a great deal

Momo begins to cry as her sword shakes toshiro listens to all of this analyzing every word trying to understand all of this

Toshiro:Momo it's not

Momo raises her sword and brings it down upon toshiro who dodges it

Toshiro:don't be a fool Momo think carefully if he dies he wants you to fight that's not the captain Aizen I know he's not that stupid to face something he couldn't do and he's not one to ask someone to bear the entire responsibility because he COULDN'T GET THE JOB DONE momo please listen to me

Momo:I know i know but the letter says it all its even in his hand writing I don't want to believe it either but it's true that's what captain Aizen wrote

Momo contues to attack toshiro who dodges it all with ease but refuses to draw his sword refusing to hurt his childhood friend

Momo:I can't I can't  I don't know what to do I'm so confused Shiro


Momo screams as all of her power is unleashed upon toshiro who jumps in the air

Toshiro:I can't reason with her she's go upset to think rationally  but Aizen would never write something like that  somebody must have  forged it!

Toshiro looks over st gin to see him chuckling silently with a wife grin teeth showing

Toshiro:of course  damn him  only one person can do all of this  GIN!!!!!!!!!

Toshiro rushes at gin as Momo jumps up into the air but toshiro pushes her away as she falls having lost consciousness from to much mental stress


Toshiro is standing by her skating in rage

Gin:oh my that was rather cruel of you squad ten captain the girl was hurt and so desperate why would you hit her so hard?

Toshiro:gin ichimaru.......

Power begins to radiate off of toshiro as his rage hits a boiling point

Flash back

Aizen:the warning certainty came at a convenient time for you

Flash back end


Gin keeps his smile on is face

Flash back

Gin:you need to stop and listen to the last alarm at least soon you won't hear them anymore

Flash back end

Toshiro:aizen was he not enough for you you had to go after Momo to you slid you fake letter and lies into her head and broke her look her hands are bleeding from gripping her sword to hard

Gin smiles more

Gin:I'm sorry but im afraid I don't follow

The power radiating Off of toshiro becomes violent

Toshiro grass his sword

Toshiro:I gave you a warning I told you if you ever hurt Momo I WOULD KILL YOU MYSELF!!!!!

Gin:this Will never do if you intend on releasing your sword here in a place like this

Gin grabs his own sword

Gin:I'll have to stop you

Power radiate off of gin to Mach toshiro's own  as Kira is freaking out slightly at all the power the two of them are releasing

There you go guys let me know what you think in the comments I dont believe y/n showed up in this chapter whaaaaaaat

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