season 5 part 6:to the vizards

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Chad:please mr urahara train me


Chad:I can't sit by and do nothing my power is not enough to fight

Time skip brought to you by

Chad is training with renji who is in bankai

Kisuke:I call this training under severely conditions or severely injurer someone until they a leave me alone or b  they get stronger and I take credit for it

Kisuke looks over to see Chad Dodge renjis bankai


Chad:I am feeling immense pain


Scene change

Y/n and ichigo got really curious and wanted to go see what these vizards were all about but first lunch because
y/n wanted food

So at the vizards Hideout Ichigo and y/n walk in y/n enjoying his beacon hamburger


Y/n eats his burger

Spiritual pressure comes down neither brother flinches at it and just shrug it off

Shinji:welcome does you two comming here means your joining us

Y/n finishes his burger and throws the wrapper in the bag and sets it down

Y/n:nah see we just got curious about where you guys were living


Ichigo:yeah and we had to stop for food because my little brother forgot to eat breakfast

Shinji sweat drops at this wondering how one forgets to eat then he realizes he lives with Masahiro


Shinji:oh damn it all

Y/n:who's she

Hyori:who am I baldy  you need to learn to listen you have no choice but to join the vizards and there's no way you  can fight your way out so just join us look having a mask doesnt make you a vizard you still have to learn control

Y/n:we said it before we do have control

Hyori:bullshit gua

Hyori's eyes widen when she realizes theres five blades surrounding her everyone quickly goes to move then but look I'm shock at who's blade it is

Hyori's eyes widen when she realizes theres five blades surrounding her everyone quickly goes to move then but look I'm shock at who's blade it is

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Y/n:wait how did we didn't munamasa

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Y/n:wait how did we didn't munamasa

Caliber:yes master though we didn't leave your side we still have the power to manifest ourselves out side thanks to munamasa

Claudius:now for you none of us take kindly to someone insulting our performer

White zangestu:you know I could kill you for that insulting that trying to force the king to join you

Old man zangestu:.......

Amaya:as you should well see they can control us I am the hollow within y/n kurosaki

The vizards mumble about the hollow being a chick

Amaya:and if any of you think your get away with insulting my king I'll kill you

Y/n:Amaya down girl

Amaya:but they insulted

Y/n holds up a bag of burgers he bought

Amaya drools and rushes go y/n's side eating a burger now getting a head Pat


Caliber and Claudius rush to y/n in a line

Shinji:what the hell

Love:seems like y/n has the heart of his sword spirits and his hollow

Old man:Ichigo

Ichigo:yeah come on back

White zangestu:fine I would keep a eye on this one king seems like trouble

Shinji snorts at this as if to say white had no idea

Hyori is freaked out she's never seen someone have a good relationship with their inner hollow or have their inner hollow fall in love with someone she didn't even think hollows were capable of love

Y/n:you get it now we really don't need the help


Both:we could hang around and train with you guys

Shinji:.... *smiles* sure why not

There you go guys let me know what you think in the comments oh and yeah in just 2 days

There you go guys let me know what you think in the comments oh and yeah in just 2 days

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