season 4 part 8: who is munamasa

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SoI fon:you let them get away!!!

SoI fon is flicking y/n in the forehead as y/n is slapping her hand away only for her to bring up both hands and flick his forehead more

Y/n:damn it stop that

SoI fon:maybe if you didn't let them get away I wouldn't be doing this

Y/n:it's not my fault you try stopping senbonzakura times two


Soi fon flicks y/n's fore head again

Squad 2 lieutenant:why does it feel like the captain took a liking to y/n I've been here long-

The squad two lieutenant was kicked I n the face by SoI fon

Soi fon:go get to work you tub of lard

Unohana looks up with her smile

(A/n:if that ain't a cue to stop the music I don't know what is)

Unohana:captain soi fon please do take it easy on y/n he couldn't have stopped it

Soi fon:hmph alright

Caliber is nursing y/n's forehead from all the figure flicking

Y/n:so yoruichi did you find anything

Flash back

On the way to Ichigo y/n and the three captains ran into yoruichi and soi fon

After explaining his plan of looking for info on munamasa they all split up the Capitans going to look for the info leaving y/n to go help Ichigo

Yoruichi:yep and just like you wanted we made a copy

Kyoraku:I hate doing paper work

Ukitake:but we got it done and left the original just in case they thought to get rid of it

Y/n:nice so what's it say

Soi fon:I can answer that easily

Ichigo:why the hell does she seem so comfortable with y/n but with me it's almost like she hates me

White Zangetsu:she says it's because she's y/n's senpai

Old man :from training with yoruichi

Ichigo:but that doesn't make sense I trained with yoruichi to

Old man Zangetsu:perhaps it's because he stayed in the soul society and they bonded in that time

White Zangetsu:or and it's a long shot she wants the D

Ichigo:your joking

White Zangetsu:it's either that or she just hates you could be either one maybe even both who knows

Soi fon:it says here that munamasa was the zanpakuto of a adopted member if the Kuchiki clan his name was Kouga seems like munamasa is a illusion type zanpakuto with the ability to bring out the zanpakuto's resentments towards their masters and turn them against the master wait how did yours not be effected

Claudius:Bold of you to assume that we have any resentments towards our master

Caliber :we will never turn on him we don't want something like that to happen again

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