season 8 part 5: byakuya vs zomori

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Byakuya dodges another of zomori's attacks but zomori appears behind him however Senbonzakura is there waiting for him as zomori is cut down then disappears and reappears behind byakuya who is cut across the cheek but a byakuya disappears and reappears across the room the two charge forward before they both disappears and sparks fly all over the place  before they reappear across from each other

Zomori:even with your great arrogance you have great battle experience

Byakuya:... My arrogance how many times must I tell you you are the true arrogant one here


The two charge forward byakuya using flash step to appear beside him point into one figure at the espada zomori

Byakuya:hado 4

The blast hits zommari who then disappears and reappears behind byakuya zommari then swings down but byakuya blocks it sparks fly as the two blades are locked in a struggle byakuya's stoic face never leaving his features and zommari looking bored obviously the two are not fighting seriously

That is until rukia's body flinches

Byakuya seeing this immediately pushes forward zommari is pushed back and jumps back breaking apart from the clash byakuya's sword hits the ground and the floor breaks and pieces fly


Byakuya's sword glows pink zommari instantly put his guard up ready for anything expect what happened in a instant and blood falls everywhere from zomori body

As he falls to the ground

Byakuya moves towards rukia's and is stabbed in the gut before disappearing a piece of his shiakusho falls to the ground

Byakuya:you don't seem to stay dead like a cockroach

Zommari:that attack was impressive but your arrogance in calling me a cockroach shows how much you need to learn I shall show you I will completely destroy your pride and in doing so your arrogance

Zommari gets in a stance with his legs spread and his sword in front of him flipped on its side

Zommari:now suppress Burjeria

Pink smoke covers the room and byakuya's eyes narrow as he raises his blade ready to end this byakuya looks at rukia's body to make sure she's still alive seeing her breathing is enough for him

Byakuya:I'll end this soon and take her to captain unohana

Spiritual pressure rains down on byakuya who tightens his hold on his blade

To be continued

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