season 5 part 7:fight between brothers

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Y/n and ichigo stand access from one another in the vizards basement it looks a lot like the basement under uraharas

Shinji:oh this is gonna be good

Hydro:why are you so excited their just training

Kensai:isn't it obviously we get to see where their at and just what they can do but

Masahiro:but what

Kensai:it's the way their looking at each other they told us they have never fought each other yet they have that look


Lisa:it's a look you would see when two rivals dace each other as if they can't wait to do battle

Mashiro:looks like their just looking at each other to me

Love:when do you think their start

Rose:they already have their faces and their zanpakuto I'm sure you can hear them ready for battle the glares the two are giving its a measurement of power the two hold they are just waiting for the other to make the first move

Hachi:I just hope that neither of them get hurt to bad

The two brothers glare at each other fire clear in their eyes both believe that the best training partner besides their zanpakuto is them self's two brothers twins about to face off even if this is training they will not hold back against the other they wouldn't be able to live with them self's if they did hold back no this isn't just training for them this is a war fought between to brothers y/n graps Claudius in his hand tightening his hold on the handle as ichigo does the same the two take off in a burst of flash step and clash blades creating a shockwave and the rocks around them to shake

The two brothers glare at each other fire clear in their eyes both believe that the best training partner besides their zanpakuto is them self's two brothers twins about to face off even if this is training they will not hold back against the othe...

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Claudius catches fire and Zangetsu is covered in a blue energy as the two brothers break apart jumping back y/n lands on a rock as ichigo appears above him and swings down firing off a getsuga y/n raises his blade creating a wall of fire to block the getsuga y/n charges past the fire and the two brothers clash once more sparks flying everywhere

Shinji:this is


As the sparks fly the two brothers move their faces closer to glare as sparks being to fly from their eyes as well as the blades


The two brothers fire off a getsuga fire in a wave of getsuga and a blue getsuga meet and rise neither one being able to gain the upper hand between the two the smoke raises and none of the vizarda can see what's happening but they hear the sound of blades clashing as the sparks fly through the smoke ichigo jumps back out off the smoke as it settles the two brothers stand breathing heavily and neither one has even entered their ban-kai yet the two brothers smirk and charge forward

The two brothers fire off a getsuga fire in a wave of getsuga and a blue getsuga meet and rise neither one being able to gain the upper hand between the two the smoke raises and none of the vizarda can see what's happening but they hear the sound ...

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