season 9 part 5:Truth Of The Mask Part 2

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Shinji:Sooo is everyone here

Love:just about

The two captains and lieutenants have entered the squad one barracks the captains talking while the lieutenants are silent in the back

Shinji:Squad eleven isn't here yet

Love:they were but they left their captain does whatever he wants

Shinji:you kidding jezz he may be a 10th generation Kenpachi but he's such a irritating guy why would they ever promote a pig like him to captain in the first place makes no since to me

Shinji let's out a sigh

Aiden:Captain please sir

Love:they didn't have a choice it's been like this for decades whoever becomes captain of squad 11 becomes a Kenpachi just their custom I guess if anyone is to blame for that it's the previous Kenpachi who lost to him

(A/n:so what I found in rewatching the fun of this scene is the va for love actually says squad 12 instead of squad 11 must be a mistake in translation or something)

Shinji stretches his arms letting out a yawn

Shinji:yeah your right  it's such a pity I could just cry

Shinji says all this in a very bored voice clearly uncaring

Shunsui:now now I don't approve of this kind of criticism

Shinji turning to face the captain of squad 8 shunsui and the captain of squad 13 jushiro

Love:hello you're early for once shunsui

Shunsui:what are you talking about I'm usually the first one to arrive

Lisa:he sleeps late but I kicked him out of his bed this morning so he was up earlier then usual

Shunsui:I wish you wouldn't talk to the other captains like that

Ukitake:so where's Kirio don't tell me shes not coming today

Shunsui:that's right she's already started her new position

The captains and lieutenants begin to walk towards the meeting room still in conversation

Ukitake:but what was her hurry it's not like it's urgent or anything she could have taken her time you know I would have like to say congratulations

Shunsui:you and me both

Shinji:but man there's been such a turnover of new captains lately I mean seriously Rose just joined squad 3 two years ago and now he's captain

Rose who is on the other path way sneezes looking around for anyone talking about him shrugging his shoulders he decides to continue on his way

Shinji:and now squad 12  it makes me wonder if everything's going to be all right

Shunsui:I wouldn't worry about it change is inevitable in everything you know we just have to deal with it  but now that you mention it the only ones who have been captains for over a 100 years is myself Jushiro and old man Yama right old friend

Shunsui turns to Jushiro with a shit eating grin as if he had won the lottery

Ukitake:I believe you're forgetting captain Unohana

Shunsui:ohh yeah that's right jezz I better be careful don't want to get scolded by my great senior now I'm scared

Ukitake:I wouldn't worry to much about it

Unohana:scared of what

The two old friends stop dead nerves telling them to run but frozen

Shunsui:we.. Uh we were just talking about the weather outside it's such a nice day it's scary right

Ukitake:yes of course it's almost to perfect

The two let out a nervous laugh hoping she buys it Unohana moves closer to the both of them

Lisa:my captain is such a complete idiot

Shunsui & ukitake:we're dead

Unohana:squad 3 had a retirement squad 12 had a promotion unlike squad eleven they didn't have a death in the ranks in that case I would say squad 12 has been lucky

Ukitake:yes that's true


The captains turn to face Sosuke who had walked forward

Shinji:hey back in rank Sosuke

Aizen:pardon me sir but I couldn't help but over hear

Shunsui:no it's ok Sosuke go ahead  what is it you wanted to ask something about the promotion right

Aizen:I truly am sorry to interrupt but we lieutenants haven't been told anything was Captains Hikifune of squad 12 promoted because I was under the assumption she had retired

Shunsui:she was

Aizen:then was she promoted from captain to central 46 that would be quite an accomplishment..... In fact I've never heard of that happening before

Shunsui:not central 46 instead she went to the ROYAL GUARD SQUAD 0

Aizen:The Royal Guard!?

??? :what's this why are you all blocking the way

Aizen:oh sorry sir pardon me I didn't realize

Aizen turns to face the voice to see the head of the Kuchiki clan Ginrei Kuchiki along side the head of the shihion clan Yoruichi Shihion

The two walk past the lieutenants captain Unohana stopping Yoruichi for a moment

Unohana:do tell him congratulations for me

Yoruichi:if you have a congratulatory message tell him person he'll be here soon captain Unohana

Shinji:say what???

I'll leave it here for now let me know what you think in the comments

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