season 13 part 2:declaration of war

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Ivan:I'm sorry but could you repeat that I didnt quite hear you

Ichigo:ok Ivan get off my bed before I drop kick your ass

Ivan:I refus-

Ivan is dropped kicked straight out the window Senna opening it

Chad:who's that man

Uryu:it must be a arrancar he had a hollow mask

Ichigo:who cares I don't want him to come back here so I'm going to go take care of him


Senna:we're come to after finishing the bread

Ichigo:I'll be done by then

Ichigo jumps out the window

Ryuunosuke:who was that person

Orhime:I dunno


Ivan has stopped himself from flying through the air

Ivan:well I he did warn me

Ichigo:hey there from what I can tell you have a bit of business with me so follow me and I'll hear you out

Ivan:business with you don't be so ignorant aren't you at least a bit curious about who I am

Ichigo:nah of you wanted someone to ask you all that and then kill you you want y/n I don't really care

Ichigo jumps away shooting off into the sky


Ivan shoots off following Ichigo

Ichigo:how annoying but he really is following me so there's that at least

Ichigo looks back at Ivan

Ichigo:it's like uryu said you have a hollow mask..... So what's the deal you a arrancar here for revenge for a Aizen mmm but your reiatsu is weird

Ivan:a arrancar

Ichigo:so are you alone or are you following somebodies orders

Ivan disappears and reappears into front of Ichigo

Ivan:I'm not a arrancar

A Quincy cross falls from his arm as it bounces up the chain attached rattling Ichigo eyes widen

Old man:he's a Quincy then

Ivan swings his arm through the air as giant spikes made of reishi and connected by a wall of reishi forms

Ivan:what's wrong does this remind you of something

Ichigo:that's not a bow

Meanwhile location soul society

Y/n and Bykauya are sitting across from one another drinking tea y/n had been helping with some of the paper work y/n feels a shiver run down his spine as he jumps to his feet

Bykauya:something wrong

Y/n:I don't know

Meanwhile at the squad one Barracks

Reaper:and that was from squad 11 and 9

Yamamoto:I see anything else

Reaper:yes next is from squad 10 Cap-GUA

The reapers body falls to the ground with a load thug Yamamoto turning around to see what had happened to see several men in white

Yamamoto:and you are

Quincy:this is our first meeting head captain Genryuusai Shigekuni Yamamoto we are here to  .... Declare war . ... However I am rather shocked it was rather easy to break into this room despite it being the office or rather the personal room of the head captain of the thirteen court guard squads. ... Isn't security a but to soft

Yamamoto:there is no need to worry I am here there is no better security

Quincy:I see those will be your last arrogant words Yamamoto

Meanwhile location human world

Ichigo had taken the sword off his back and swatted one of Ivan attacks away

Ichigo:what's the deal he's using Quincy attacks he had the pendant but he had a mask on he says he's not a arrancar but then why does he have a mask

Ivan fires several blasts at Ichigo who flips over them

Ivan:WHAT'S THE MATTER ICHIGO KUROSAKI why don't you get serious I see you have s another sword there maybe you should use it INSTEAD OF JUST MOVING AROUND LIKE A COWARD

Ichigo:weird all he's been doing besides firing weak blasts is trying to provoke me


Ichigo:still taunting me why does he want my bankai I'm not sure what the deal is but I think I can trick him

Ichigo grabs his nife off from his side and holds it up evenly with his bit sword


Ivan immediately reaches into his pockets and brings out a different pendant and activates it as light begins to rain down



Ichigo:getsuga tensho

Ichigo shoots his getsuga at Ivan who takes the attack head on


Yamamoto watches as his lieutenants body flys into the wall slamming into it


Quincy:do not grieve you should praise him he was so kind as to show you what your end will be in other words after fighting with all of your being you will die horribly in five days the soul society will be destroyed by the Vandenreich

To be continued

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