Season 13 Part 14:the end of a leader

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The first ones to mix up royd and loyd were the doctor and nurse that picked them up they couldn't tell who was the older brother and who was the younger so they ended up telling the parents the opposite unfortunately even the parents were unable to tell who was who so in the end Royd and Loyd decided not to care about who was the older brother and who was the younger the reason they were so identical was because they began to unconsciously copy each other before they were even born they ended up realizing this after they turned 5 years old and when they turned 12 they learned they weren't just able to copy each other but other people as well the older brother Loyd was able to copy people's powers and abilities though not their appearance the younger brother Royd was able to imitate people's memories and and mind though not their appearance

Juha:I'm sorry


Yamamoto looks at juha hiding his curiosity

Yamamoto:he's their leader so who does he have to apologize to you're the one who started this war

Juha:I'm sorry your majesty.... I couldn't accomplish the mission you gave me

Yamamoto:you... WHO ARE YOU

Juha:your.... Majesty

The squad one building blows up as Yamamoto looks back in shock


With a flash of light juha bach is now standing behind Yamamoto

Yamamoto:juha bach... You

Juha:you did well Sternritter y the yourself Loyds Royd R

Yamamoto looks in shock as the juha he cut in half changes into a different person

Loyd Royd:you said... I did well.... I'm... So... Honored

Juha raises his fingers as Loyd Royd is turned to dust after being blasted

Yamamoto:evil...... What have you been doing

Juha:do you really need to ask... You said it yourself you knew I went to speak with Sosuke aizen.... I simply had Loyd Royd act as me to keep you from coming down there
.... I will tell you this... I came here to ask Sosuke Aizen to work under me.. He of course refused me it's fine though I have a eternity to try and convince him.....well then... Did you use bankai while fighting a fake Yamamoto

Yamamoto:shut up.. BANKAI

Juha raises a medallion as Yamamoto's BANKAI completely disappears

Juha:you made a mistake .. It's not that we can't steal your BANKAI it's that no one other then myself could take it from you . .. I wonder should I kill you with your own bankai . .. Should I use it to awaken your own men that you have had to kill Yamamoto


Juha raises his sword as Yamamoto rushes him juha watches as a blade falls from the sky before grabbing it and cutting Yamamoto

Juha:good bye Yamamoto

Meanwhile shundui and jushiro look up feeling a sense of dread

Flash back


Yamamoto grabs shunsuis head and squeezes it


Yamamoto sighs as he takes his hand off shunsuis head

Shunsui:I was just surprised that you had a painting in your room old man

Yamamoto looks at the painting as it's himself in bankai

Yamamoto:that... It's just a monster that appeared when soul society was in trouble all the monster did was make things worse but it won't ever come back

Shunsui:but... What if it does come back

Yamamoto:then I shall stop it now come out ukitake I know you're in here

Ukitake comes out from the closet chuckling

Ukitake:sorry... Shunsui made me come with him


Flash back end

Yamamoto is standing there managing to get one sentence out before he splits in to

Yamamoto:good bye..... My .... Sons

Yamamotos top half falls off his lower as it hits the ground

Shunsui and ukitake let out screams of pain as they charge their enemies

Back to juha

Juha:you may be the head of the soul reapers... But you really are pathetic let's go haschwalth

Haschwalth:yes your majesty

But something slams into the ground behind both of them

Turning around juha sees y/n

Y/'re the king of Quincy's right

Juha:... I am... But you may call me grandfather

To be continued

Also real fast before people start saying well actually Yamamoto isn't their father I know... Ok I know however he saw them as his own sons that's why he says good bye my sons

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