Season 13 part 29:The princes shield

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Fire rages as the heat becomes unbearable one would say the fires of hell has been unleashed as y/n tightens his grip yhwach's eyes narrowing the emotionless soul king stares on


Yhwach eyes glow as light shoots towards him the eyes splitting into several as he grabs onto y/n's arm with his hand taking bits of y/n's energy and turning it into a ball as
Y/n let's out a powerful yell as the explosion begins yhwach activating blut vein as yhwach smiles the explosion not getting far at all as yhwach smiles before hitting y/n face with the back of his head several times results y/n's grip Losening as yhwach flips y/n around and blasts a hole in the wall y/n grabs his sword as he is punched in the face by yhwach

Yhwach:a good attempt I give you that I expect no less from my own kin but my power THE ALMIGHTY SEES ALL

Yhwach throws y/n out the hole
y/n pulls out Claudius as yhwach throws the built up energy y/n had right at him as y/n attempt to gather what energy he didn't have ready for the explosion unleashing a getsuga tensho at the ball of his own energy as the two energy attacks collided y/n looks in shock as the getsuga appears to be absorbed into the ball as y/n attempts to bring up the pendant holding yamamotos bankai as a arrow fly's through it and into y/n's arm y/n glares at yhwach as his eyes widen as the ball hits y/n a explosion is the result

Yhwach throws y/n out the hole y/n pulls out Claudius as yhwach throws the built up energy y/n had right at him as y/n attempt to gather what energy he didn't have ready for the explosion unleashing a getsuga tensho at the ball of his own energy a...

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The cannon that Ichigo and everyone are sitting in shakes violently as through a built in window they see the explosion

Ichigo:what.... What is that

A body falls from the explosion missing both legs and a arm and the clothes ruined

Y/n:...d....damn .... I failed....

Yhwach:a shame y/n I was so proud to have you stand with me as well

Yhwach's eyes return to normal as he watches y/n fall as something shoots past him yhwach allows this to happen as he watches Liliana jump and grab onto y/n falling with him wrapping a cloak around his body as she herself wears one

Yhwach:such loyalty... Deserves to be rewarded unfortunately you are a traitor

Y/n who is losing blood his body burned and broken tightens the grip on his sword as he swings it at yhwach in defiance fire shooting out towards the old Quincy king who blocks it with his hand using blut vein
Yhwach raises his sword several arrows surround his body as he launches the arrows Liliana watches this before using her body as a shield for y/n Getting impaled by the arrows but never letting go of y/n as the two fall blood falling from the both of them as y/n has lost consciousness and Liliana fights to stay awake

Liliana:.. My prince.... Hold... Onto life

Ichigo turns his head as they pass the two Ichigo eyes widen as he moves to the window and looks in shock at seeing his brother in this condition


Ichigo tries to jump out of the cannon grabbing his sword ready to cut his way out but is stopped by everyone as they have to force him to be still


Yhwach looks to his arm that fired the energy as well as the arm that blocked the attack from the wounded y/n as is charred and useless the pain unbearable and this was from simply firing the energy and blocking a attack from a him

Yhwach:if he had managed that.... We truly both would have died I will commend you my child... Your power is truly something to be feared

They continue to fall as they can finally see seireitei Liliana twists them both so that her back will be what collides with the barrier surrounding seireitei and then the ground as on top of a building blue eyes shoot open feeling the energy of y/n weaken tremendously as they hit the shield and break through it Liliana begins to lose consciousness as someone grabs them this being rukia who managed to catch the both of them hitting the ground and having arrived in time and immediately begins to look y/n over rukia had sensed him reenter seireitei she had felt his energy reserves begin to plummet rukia tries what she can to help y/n as her mind races afraid of the idea of y/n dying she let's out a gasp of fear and shock at seeing the condition of y/n's body fear overtaking her


Liliana tries to get up and assist y/n in any way she can as blood pours from her body

Liliana:please..............Don't die............My............prince

Liliana loses consciousness as rukia let's out a scream of agony as she attempt to heal y/n's body with her kido as her eyes are wide with fear

To be continued

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