season 7 part 1:a child arrancar

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The group look around and see nothing but sand and what looks like crystal trees

Ichigo:hey look over there

Y/n turns around and sees a castle in the distance

Y/n:I'm guessing that's where we're going 

The group takes off running

Time skip brought to you by

The group have been running for hours

Ichigo:hold it hold it we've been running for hours and it doesn't look any closer what the hell guys

Ichigo falls on his ass exhausted

Uryu:it does seem far

Chad:is it a Mirage

Y/n:not likely

Uryu:see a mirage is when heat

Ichigo:shut up already and catch your breath

Ichigo falls to the ground on his back and Senna pops down in him

Time skip brought to you by

The group have been sitting down for a few minutes having caught their breath they get up to start running once more but they hear a noise the sound of someone running a kid screaming y/n immediately grabs his blade and moves into action Ichigo appears beside him and they swat two arrancar or hollows it's hard to tell for them away and stand in front of the kid

Y/n:just what the hell are you doing 

Nel:hold on mister in red we were only playing a game of internal tag

Y/n:internal tag

Dondachaka:that's right I'm dondachaka

Peshia:I'm peshia

Nel:I'm Nel and the big worm is our pet Bala Bala

Ichigo:Bala Bala you named a worm y/n quickly hits Ichigo gut

Y/n:don't be rude brother I must say though your arrancar correct

Nel:that's right look a perfectly cracked arrancar mask

Sure enough in top of Nels head is a hollow mask with what appears to be a sword cut on it

Ichigo:you don't look like the arrancar we met in the world of the living

Nel:who are you to tell us we don't look like arrancar you don't have a mask you not wearing the right clothes you and the nice guy look more like.... Soul reapers........ AHHHHH A SOUL REAPER  THEIR THE BAD GUYS

Ichigo:Ichigo kurosaki

Y/n:y/n kurosaki

Both:Substitute soul reaper and half Quincy with hollow powers

Uryu:uryu ishida Quincy

Chad:Yasutora Sado my friends call me Chad I'm... Human

Senna:Senna memory rock

Peshia: two Mix bloods a Quincy and a human and the memory rock


Nel seems to be crying at this

Y/n pats her head and she flinches but looks up to see y/n giving a smile

Y/n:don't worry we won't hurt you I promise we just want to save our friend who was kidnapped so we can't stay and talk sorry


Ichigo uryu Chad and Senna nod and the fuve friends start to walk away until


Y/n:what why what's wrong

Nel:I I I I want to help let us give you a ride nice guy

Time skip brought to you by

The group are now riding on Bala bala Nel is sitting in y/n's lap swinging her head back and forth

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The group are now riding on Bala bala Nel is sitting in y/n's lap swinging her head back and forth

Ichigo:the kid seems to be enjoying herself

Uryu:indeed y/n seems to be good with kids

Suddenly a sand monster raises

Y/n:what the hell is this

Nel:it's the Guardian of Los Noches

Ichigo:so what I'll just cut him down GETSUGA TENSHO!!!

It cuts the sand in half and Ichigo let's out a slight laugh but it immediately reattaches

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It cuts the sand in half and Ichigo let's out a slight laugh but it immediately reattaches

Y/n:my turn getsuga Tensho

Y/n swings his sword and fire shoots out ice seems to fire out of now where and hits the other half of the sand guardian turning one half into glass and the other in cased in ice y/n looks over and sees rukia and renji on a hill rukia looks only at y/n with a smile

Rukia:did you miss me

There you go guys let me know what you think in the comments

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