Season 13 Part 17:Knights resolve

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Y/n and Liliana are walking down a hallway as y/n comes to a window and stops Liliana stops as well as she wonders why they've stopped

Juha:the process to creating a sternritter isn't the most complicated... If you wish to know it you may come in as well y/n there is no need for you to wait and listen by a window

Y/n walks into a room as Quincy guards open the door for him and Liliana walk through the door juha looking up to see his descendent his grandchild in his new clothing with his new knight at his side

Juha:those clothes look good on you

Y/n looks to the side to see

Y/n looks to the side to see

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Uryu almost looks shocked but quickly hides it as y/n walks in to the room standing beside uryu

Y/n:so you caught me listening

Juha:I am aware of the curiosity that such power may hold... Am I to assume you wish to make your... Aid your own sternritter

Y/n:Is such a thing possible for me to do

Juha:yes it is it's very easy for the two of you to do as my blood runs through your veins but I will ask that you send her out for this

Y/n raises his hand and motions for Liliana to go out who quickly listens waiting outside the room as the doors begins to close she can see y/n place a hand behind his back as the door closes

Y/n:this process will it bring harm to her

Juha:no it's simple

Juha begins to tell uryu and y/n the process as uryu is given a cup

Juha:uryu.....i had the others fetch you and I offered you the role of a prince since my blood runs through you yet instead you asked to be my left hand... My left hand should have power drink it

Uryu nods his head and drinks as y/n turns to leave

Juha:I'm curious... Y/n...since you know the process and how it works.... What letter will you give her

Y/n:.....i don't know yet


Y/n leaves the room as Liliana joins him once more

Juha: I wonder what you will do with this knowledge y/n .... Unlike me you won't even have to absorb her soul... .. Best I keep that from the two of them

Juha looks to uryu


Y/n:let's go Liliana

Liliana:may I ask where to

Y/n stops and looks back

Y/n:you said you I didn't know how much use you would be to me..... But I can offer you the power of a sternritter now so... Will you be a sternritter that serves me or will you simply stay my knight like this

Liliana quickly kneels

Liliana:please let me be of use

Y/n:alright...lets go

The two leave to y/n's room as he begind the ritual he was told would work

Liliana:I.... Must drink your blood?

Y/n:yes....and if my hunch is correct then there may also be a side effect should something happen so I'll ask you now do you u still wish to do this

Liliana:yes.... My loyalty is to you I'll drink it and should this side effect kill me that is fine all I've ever wanted was to serve someone with a kind heart... And now I have that chance... If I may my prince

Y/n looks at Liliana

Y/n:what is it

Liliana:i know you choose me likely because you felt bad for me... But if I may ask this

Liliana gets on her hands and knees and bows

Liliana:let me be your right hand until my end

Y/n walks up to Liliana and kneels down in front of her placing a hand on her shoulder

Y/n:I didn't pick you because I thought it would save you .... I picked you because in the soul society I saw the look in your eyes... It was a look of fear and regret.... So I know you have a kind heart ..... I'll accept you as my right hand... If you accept me as your leader

Liliana:yes..... I happily accept the honor of having you be my master my leader my prince... My life will be yours

Y/n:alright then let's move forward together

Liliana looks up as y/n stands offering his hand to Liliana she accepts it and is now standing as the two sit and wait the amout of time y/n was told to wait for Liliana looks to the side to see y/n's soul reaper clothes hung up looking back at y/n who has his eyes closed his head resting on his right hand as his right leg is over his left

Liliana:you.... Seem happier in those clothes.... And Red.... ... Is the color you should wear

Liliana remembers when all the Quincy would watch seireitei as y/n and the others invaded to save rukia she remembers all the fights he had and the fight against Aizen as she two closes her eyes before opening them her eyes full of resolve

Liliana:I am your knight... Forever even after my end I shall find a way to serve you

Liliana looks to the blood that is in a cup along side her Quincy cross

To be continued

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