season 13 part 32:ichigo enraged

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Ichigo glares at yhwach as he moves closer tightening the grip on his blade as he swings his long sword in a attempt to take yhwachs head off as he moved forward and rases his hand that blocked Ichigo attack  by hitting ichigos hand away yhwach then grabs Ichigo by the throat as Ichigo is forced off his feet and slammed into the ground as Ichigo takes his cyber knife and goes to stab it directly into yhwachs stomach but he is stopped by yhwachs grabbed that hand and pushes it above Ichigo now both hands are locked in place above his head  as yhwach picks Ichigo up by the knock with his other hand and slams him back into the ground repeating this again and again as Ichigo never loses his glare Ichigo manages to kick yhwach off of him rolling backwards and up on to his feet gripping his blades tightly as blood behind to drip onto the floor from them as Ichigo moves forward going back on the attack

Yhwach:how mych longer will you make me watch you suffer like this

Ichigo goes to stab yhwach who dodges the strike  yhwach grabs Ichigo by the arm and launches him towards the same wall y/n fell from Ichigo takes notice of the piece of cloth hanging over the edge on a peace of broken wood recognizing it to be a peice of the black coat y/n was wearing Ichigo sheaths his cyber knife grabs the edge and rockets himself up into the sky unsheathing his cyber knife raising both swords and gathering all the energy he can right now as ichigos energy begins to cover the sky Ichigo unleashes a getsuga at yhwach who immediately pulls his sword out from the soul king and attempts to block it being pushed back yhwach directs the blast upward into the sky as Ichigo lands back on the floor hate filled eyes directed at yhwach who looks at Ichigo

Yhwach:well..... At least your mind is clear enough to know how to stop yourself from falling or was that just instinct

Ichigo grits his teeth and rushes yhwach who avoids him entirely grabbing Ichigo by the face and slams him back into the ground raising his sword and stabs Ichigo into the neck not deep enough to kill

Yhwach:it pains me to see you this way.... You have the power to kill me right now I'll admit that....... But you won't ever succeed.... Even with me telling you this it's likely your so enraged you can't even focus on my words just by the sight of me

Ichigo swings his long sword at yhwach who blocks it using blut vein

Yhwach:what a foolish child

Yhwach:Ichigo kurosaki.... What if I told you that your brother........ His plan was to kill himself I did nothing to him

Ichigos eyes widen before his face contots into a look of pure rage as something begins to cover ichigos neck


Ichigo twists his neck so that yhwachs sword slides through the side of it as Ichigo headbutts yhwach and kicks him off

Yhwach watches as ichigo's neck heals and blue lines begin to cover it

Yhwach:.... Blut vein... And instant regeneration.... I see

Ichigo charges yhwach who closes his eyes before opening them his eyes now have several different pupils  and irises Ichigo swings at yhwach who dodges it with ease side stepping two different attacks

Yhwach:it's time I stop entertaining you Ichigo

Ichigo begins to run towards yhwach  as a yhwach fires arrows at him the others now arriving to see Ichigo running on a floor about to collapse as Ichigo raises his sword at yhwach who doesn't move as the floor underneath Ichigo gives and he falls the same time he swings his sword yhwach tilts himself back just slightly the blade missing it's mark

Yhwach:stupid boy... You should have used bankai.... But you've let your emotions cloud your mind

Yhwachs eyes turn back to normal as Senna moves to strike him but is stabbed through the gut yhwach

Yhwach:the only chance any of you had left just fell but I'll send you down with him

Yhwach throws Senna over the edge as she slides off his blade Senna grabs onto it

Yhwach:let go girl

Senna:make me

Chad appears behind yhwach fist raised his fullbring covers both his arms yhwach moves to the side and hits Chad with Senna who's hand slides along the blade her blood flying off it as they both fly over the edge orhime catches them with her shield

Yhwach:your all very stubborn .... I suppose in this situation.... From a certain point of view it is a admirable quality... But you've all lost I'm afraid a shame

Yhwach completely ignores them as he stabs the soul king once again getting ready to cut him in two but stops

Yhwach:I feel sorry for all of you... A true shame that you won't even be here to see the end when it happens


Arrows fly at them as orhime raises her hands in reflex as the shield goes to save her but let's both Senna and chad fall


The ground around orhime is destroyed as she falls with them looking at who shot the floor orhime's eyes widen to see uryu putting his hands down to his side

Orhime:why uryu

Yhwach:it's time for me to end this

Yhwach stabs the soul king once more before cutting him in two taking the power of the soul king into himself as it takes time for it to settle as his once brown cloak turns pitch black eyes forming on his body

Yhwach stabs the soul king once more before cutting him in two taking the power of the soul king into himself as it takes time for it to settle as his once brown cloak turns pitch black eyes forming on his body

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To be continued

IN ANOTHER FUCKING BOOK ok updating this as apparently some people don't read the in another book stuff the limit of wattpads stories are 200 parts this book has hit 200 parts if you wish to continue please go into my story list and click on male reader x Bleach thousand year blood war that is where it is continued

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