season 12 part 16:y/n vs Tsukishima

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Y/n flash steps into a different area followed by tsukishima y/n watches as the sun sets in the back ground

Tsukishima:you know I don't think this is the best moment to admire the beauty of a sun set

Y/n:you miss understand I was thinking to myself how lucky I am to fight the one I have the biggest issue with


Y/n:that's right you don't know do you I grabbed this on my way so I guess I can show you

Y/n throws something at Tsukishima who catches it to revesl the mask of zero Tsukishima stares at it as he remembers something


Zero:it is you I hate the most you have the power to change people's memories

Flashback end

Tsukishima:you hate my power

Y/n:I hate that you use it to rob people of their bonds you did it with Chad not even five minutes ago

Tsukishima:then you know how dangerous I am

Y/n:that's right though you won't be hitting me

Tsukishima:is that right

The masks center lights up as it explodes hitting tsukishima

Y/n:mm he realized what was going to happen and through the mask up jeez

Caliber:ig was a good idea



The smoke clears to reveal tsukishima blood dripping from his hand his sleeve destroyed

Tsukishima:that was a good plan

Y/n smirks
Tsukishima walks closer to y/n and I'd about to swing his sword as fire surrounds y/n and leaps forward at Tsukishima who dodges it jumping away from the fire tsukishima looks towards y/n's right hand to see Claudius with fire at the tip of the blade that goes from the blade to y/n surrounding him in a Circle

Y/n:play with fire and your get burned


Tsukishima cuts a leaf as it falls from a tree

Tsukishima:let me ask you something do you think that was a good move

Tsukishima cuts the ground with his sword

Tsukishima:what about that one

Y/n's narrow as a tree shoots up from the ground y/n jumping into the air tsukishima appearing behind him y/n's flames shoot towards Tsukishima but he manages to cut y/n just slightly


Tsukishima:it doesn't matter I cut you so let me ask you something can you really fight someone who has been by your side teaching you every step of the way

Y/n readys his sword as memories change from kisuke to tsukishima from his yoruichi telling him about bankai to Tsukishima

Y/n:what am I... Doing why am I fighting Tsu-

Hoygoku:because he is your enemy

Different memories flood y/n's mind not from his perceptive but from hoygokus

Y/n charges Tsukishima who blocks the attack fire shooting off of Claudius and jumping at Tsukishima who jumps back but his hand is burned

Tsukishima cuts the ground but y/n fires off a wave of fire destroying the wall of trees Tsukishima was trying to create as y/n charges forward once more



Tsukishima attempt to dodge all of y/n's slashes but is unable and gets cut badly across the chest

Y/n:you know with as much as I hate your way of fighting I don't exactly want to kill you so why don't you do me a favor and drop dead on your own

Tsukishima:I cut you how can you


Tsukishima's eyes widen at this

Y/n raises his left hand

Tsukishima:kido is it you should know I taught you ever last kido spell you know so it won't work on me

Y/n:I've got a surprise for you smart guy


Tsukishima chuckles at y/n before walking towards y/n


Tsukishima now stands in front of y/n  just a few feet away y/n closed his eyes opening them again to reveal hoygokus eyes

Hoygoku:Hado 90

Tsukishimas eyes shoot open as he's surrounded by black


The black coffin surrounded tsukishima disappears as tsukishima drops to the ground

Tsukishima:h... How

Y/n:a certain someone has seen things from a different perspective and allowed me to see things from her own perspective the moment we decided to fight you already lost

Tsukishima:I see

Tsukishima closed his eyes as someone jumps at y/n a teenager stands in front of tsukishima protectively

Y/n:and....who the hell are you

??? :I'm Tsukishimas apprentice I'm going to kill you you bastar-

Y/n brings our a memory modifier and pushes the top changing the teens memories before catching him as he falls unconscious

Y/n:sorry but one human death is enough for now

y/n lays the teen down

Y/n:guess I should go and wait for Ichigo to finish what a pain

Y/n looks down at the teen and the fallen Tsukishima

Y/n:rest peacefully I hate your way of fighting but you were still human in the end

Y/n begins to walk over to the soul reapers

To be continued

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