season 13 part 22: haschwalth confront y/n

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Y/n has walked out of his room uryu already leaving his room as the table appears to be flipped upside down Liliana following after y/n keeping close to him as y/n walks over towards the edge and looks down upon the entire quincy society that yhwach has hidden in the shadows before closing his eyes

Quincy:my prince

Liliana glares back at the Quincy as y/n who had his eyes closed opens them and looks back

Y/n:what is it

Quincy:i have information that I was ordered to deliver to you the women... Unohana is official dead ...

Y/n:....i see

Y/n looks back over the edge closing his eyes once more letting his thoughts get sorted out

Quincy:theres more your Highness.... Squad zero has come to seireitei and offered your brother a chance to go with them he has agreed

Y/n:...anything else do you have the time we will invade

Quincy:his majesty has ordered that we will invade in one days time moving the original plan for 2 days forward

Y/n:and why wasn't I told to move to the meeting

Haschwalth:I can answer that one his majesty felt you and uryu in the same room and thought that the two of you could use to me time to... Speak to one another

Y/n:I see then I'll be going lets go Liliana


Haschwalth looks at y/n as he walks past him

Haschwalth:I have a question my prince

Haschwalth looks at y/n who stops walking and looks to his right directly at haschwalth

Haschwalth:why did you betray them and come with us

Y/ all... If what grandfather said about what the soul reapers did to my  ..... To the soul king then his logic has reason to it.... I'll crush them all beneath my heel and make them beg for forgiveness that's all and if I can help grandfather along the way then I have enough reason

Haschwalth watches as y/n walks past him his coat moving in a pattern as he walks

Haschwalth:he's good.... I can't tell If he's being honest or telling a lie the way he says it leads me to believe it to be truth

Haschwalth:and what about that women

Haschwalth looks for any sign of rage or regret on y/n's person only finding indifference

Y/n:why should I care for her

Haschwalth:I believed you loved her didn't you you invaded the after life just for her you went on a mission to a different area with her ... Well don't you fee-

Y/n:that's none of your concern what I feel... Should the need arise I'll kill her that's all there is to it is that what you wanted to hear... Good day haschwalth

Y/n walks away as a frown appears on his face as thoughts run through his mind Y/n looks up as he turns a corner heading down to the public area Liliana behind him being the only one around as y/n let's a smirk find it's way to his face before dropping it as Quincy begin to appear and bow to him as he begins to walk down she stairs that lead to the... "Royal Palace"

Haschwalth:damn...... I can't seem to figure you out y/n kurosaki.... The words you say seem like lies yet the way you speak those words makes me believe them you're a very strange individual

To be continued

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