season 8 part 10:kenpachi vs Nnoritira final

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Kenpachi is wining against Nnoritira who has had enough

Nnoritra had unleaded his sword now having multiple arms and multiple blades

Kenpachi rushes head first getting cut in the process but not caring and goes to cut Nnoritira shoulder Nnoritira smirks

Nnoritira:don't you get it you can't cut m-

slash blood fly's through the air as Nnoritira was cut across the chest Nnoritira's eye brow rises and he jumps back and outs his hand across the cut and feels a liquid on his hand taking his hand away from his chest he sees his own blood

Kenpachi:looks like I got used to your tough skin

Nnoritira:what was that

Kenpachi slashes the air and sand fly's up and a cut in the ground appears

Kenpachi:it's been a while since I had a good fight my sword had gotten dull so it took me a while but now I'm good to go

Nnoritira:this guy

Kenpachi smirks as he charges forward and Nnoritira does the same the two clash and Nnoritira uses one of his blades to cut kenpachi's shoulder and then the two seperate Nnoritira opens his mouth and fires a certain Nel goes to help but yachiru stops her

Yachiru:don't go and get in Kenny's way

Nel:I was just

Kenpachi hits the creo with his blade and slashes through the blast his sword smoking kenpachi looks at Nnoritira to see him gone


Kenpachi receives a cut on his shoulder


Nnoritira:*huffs* hehe hehe heh heh

The two charge forward and kenpachi goes for a downward slash but nnoritira blocks it and cuts kenpachi a cross the gut kenpachi kicks nnoritira in the head sending him back and kenpachi charges forward nnoritira dodges the attack and cuts kenpachi across the back kenpachi spins quickly and cuts nnoritira across the face nnoritira manages to cut kenpachi across the face and then jump back

Kenpachi:what's this feeling.......I might actually die this time

Nnoritira:one more strike that's how I'll finish this I'll rip out his heart

Kenpachi:did you know


Kenpachi:did you know that when you swing a sword with two hands it's a stronger swing

Nnoritira:of course I know that everyone does

Kenpachi:I'm not very good at that out of all the captains in the thirteen court guard squads I'm the only captain to not have a bankai or a shikai I never bothered talking to my sword I never even went to the school that the head captain created

Nnoritira:is there a point

Kenpachi:when I first joined the old man made me learn some kendo before it was only one lesson but I did learn that when I swing my sword with two hands I've got a hell of a swing

Nnoritira's eyes widen and he charges forward towards kenpachi who has placed both hands on his blade and lifted it up nnoritira is a inch away from kenpachi who immediately swings his sword a giant yellow light comes from his sword and goes into the sky creating a crack in the fake sky
When the light is gone nnoritira on the ground dead kenpachi takes his left hand off his sword

Yachiru:hehe heh I knew Kenny would win


I'll leave it here let me know what you think in the comments

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