Season 11 part 1:The Final Getsuga Tensho?

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Aizen takes on move step towards y/n before y/n rockets towards him aizen blocking y/n's strike as fire continues to ravage the area

Aizen:mmm his evolution nearly tore his body into pieces half of his spirit energy is focused into offense while the other half is focused on keeping him alive a shame

Y/n quickly moves behind Aizen using Motus as Aizen turns to block caliber sparks fly as the two blades meet y/n swings Claudius at Aizen who simple goes to catch the blade believing himself to be at a high level even if just because he is uninjured as Aizen catches Claudius fire engulfs his hand as he quickly pushes Claudius away his hand smoldering before it is healed Aizen goes to strike with a side slash y/n duck's the slash and puts caliber and Claudius next to each other before swinging them both upward golden energy wrapped around Caliber and fire wrapped around Claudius
Aizen moves out of the way but the fire that is jumping off of Claudius just barely missing him aizen then raises his zanpakuto as if taunting y/n who charges at aizen once more aizen dodging or blocking each of y/n's strikes as with the final strike the ground shakes and the collapsed buildings are turned to dust as fire shoots out from Claudius

Aizen:is he unable to control those flames

Y/n disappears from everyone's sites before reappearing behind aizen bringing Claudius up and slashing aizen's back who jumps away his back smoldering before the Hoygoku heals him fire and golden energy both shooting uncontrollably from y/n's two zanpakuto y/n moves quickly towards aizen who raises his own blade blocking the strike once more as the ground shakes once again fire begining to spread from Claudius to kyoka suigetsu aizen quickly notices this and pushes y/n away though the fire is still wrapped around kyoka suigetsu Aizen bring fused with his Zanpakuto looks down at this as the fire seems to become even greater before dying out aizen looks towards y/n who is standing across from him blood pouring from his body before evaporating from the intensity of the flames that are wrapped around Claudius

Aizen:mm interesting this is your current level of power and you just in shikai

Y/n stares into Aizens eyes

Aizen:why don't you show me what you can truly do at full power

Y/n's eyes got just a moment moves toward those on the ground unable to move before his eyes return to aizen

Aizen:are you worried about them

Y/n continues to stare at aizen his throat in to much pain to truly say anything is body shaking slightly aizen of course notices this

(A/n:kill the music)

Aizen:shall I kill them for you then

Y/n eyes narrow as he now whole heartedly glares at Aizen

Aizen:you should be greatful I'm offering you the chance to use everything at your disposal to face me

Y/n opens his mouth to speak aizen seeing this listens knowing the amount of pain his throat is in this truly must be something to listen to

Y/n:no......i.....wont let you..... Kill them

Aizen:you won't let me how very noble of you

Aizen then appears in front of y/n who blocks the in coming strike with caliber but is sent through several collapsed buildings

Aizen:but that nobility may one day be your end

Aizen appears next to gin who opens up the

Aizen:join us in soul society that shall be where the finally battle takes place and when you fall I will create the oken and move onto a even higher plain of existence

aizen and gin leave through the Senkaimon as y/n breaks out of the rubble fire and golden energy all around him once they die down y/n stabs Claudius and caliber into the ground and looks into his hands that begin to shake as blood continues to run down them is throat dry from and sore from the agony of screaming in pain his body sore and bleeding do to the pain of absorbing the reishi from Yamamoto's fire

Isshin:what the hell are you doing let's go

Y/n looks up at his father y/n grabs hold of his two zanpakuto

Isshin:we need to get going now come on

Isshin moves to open the Senkaimon Ichigo quickly moves to join them

Ichigo:hold on I'm coming with you

Isshin:fine we need to hurry

Y/n nods his head as his father opens the Senkaimon the family  go to run through the Senkaimon but behind them the garganata opens up as the others that went to
Hueco Mundo come out orhime looking around

Uryu:what happened here

Isshin:mm hey orhime

Orhime:um yes... Mr... Kurosaki

Isshin:I'll explain later for now can you heal y/n

Y/n looks at his father while unable to speak isshin can tell by the look on y/n's face that he doesn't believe that have time for this

Isshin:shes not going to heal you completely just enough to so your body can move around without having to put half of your spirit energy into that effort right now your a wounded animal and thats just going to get you killed reign in your spirit energy and let her heal you

y/n closes his eyes before nodding his head and doing as his father asks

Isshin:alright orhime you don't have to heal him completely got it

Orhime:um right

Orhime uses her shun shun reka

(A/n:fuck I know I misspelt that but whatever)

As y/n feels a pull in his mind calling him to his inner world allowing the pull to bring him in isshin looks toward this smirks then towards Ichigo

Isshin:alright let's go

Ichigo:wait what

Isshin:I'm going to take you into the Senkaimon and train you just incase

Isshin moved towards the Senkaimon

Ichigo:train me hold on we don't have time for that just having y/n be healed is taking up time we don't have

Isshin:you idiot listen closely Ichigo Aizen is powerful there's no doubt however the one thing grater then that power is his ego he wants y/n to get healed up and stronger so he can crush him at full strength so he can prove that no one else can reach the levels he can so while y/n gets healed and is whipped into shape at the same time I'm going to teach you the final Getsuga Tensho

Ichigo:the final Getsuga Tensho

Isshin:your be our last resort got it

Scene change location Ichigo's inner world

White Zangetsu and Tensa Zangetsu both look at each other once isshin mentions the final Getsuga Tensho a look of dread crosses over their faces

To be continued

Let me know what you think in the comments on a side note you guys must really not be happy with me I give you a taste of y/n vs Aizen and before it can really get going I stop it sorry about that

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