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The Next Day


Cookie awaited Anika's entrance into the studio as she adjusted the sound on the soundboard. Her mind was still deep in her thoughts, it almost aching with how heavy they were.

The moment the doorknob twisted, Cookie felt herself tense up and her heart began to race. Each time she looked at Anika she was reminded of that night. And even though it was good, well perfect even, it still left Cookie with more questions than answers.

Anika smiled lightly once coming to her side. "Hey.." she said. "Hey.." Cookie said, smiling back. "I see you already got started. It sounds good." Anika said, complimenting the smooth drawn out beat that played from the soundboard. "We should add- Actually, Anika..." Cookie trailed off. Anika turned to look at her curiously. "Yeah?" She asked. Cookie sighed, then turning off the beat playing.

She looked down at the floor. "I...want to tell you something." She said. "Sure, what is it?" Anika asked. Cookie had finally turned to look at her. "I'm going to be gone for a week." She said. Anika raised an eyebrow, as if she didn't even understand the sentence Cookie spoke. "What do you mean you'll be gone for a week?" She questioned.

"My sisters are planning a girls trip for the three of us. They convinced me to go, and I think that it would be...good for me. For my thoughts. So I just figured I should tell you so you'll know about why I'm not around and stuff..." Cookie said.

"Your thoughts...?" Anika asked. Cookie nodded slowly. "What's so bad about your thoughts that you think a trip is the only way you can make them go away?" Anika questioned. Cookie didn't reply, she scratched the back of her hand with a strange look on her face. "I told you what's been on my mind." Cookie said.

Anika prevented herself from saying what she was thinking. She wanted to say "Don't start this again. Don't start pushing me away again because of your mind", but she decided to remain positive. "So, when are you leaving?" Anika asked. "Tomorrow." Cookie replied. It was sooner than Anika had expected. It was so sudden how she was so okay with leaving work and going to another state. "It's...to Miami." Cookie replied.

It was silent for awhile. Anika didn't mind Cookie going somewhere with her family, that wasn't an issue at all. Anika has taken multiple trips with her family while working at Empire. But it was the look on her face, the vibe in the room, that gave Anika the impression that she was taking this trip as some sort of therapy. Like a form of rehab.

"You don't seem happy about it." Anika said. "I am...I am." Cookie replied. Anika stared at her, then curling her lips. "Well would I be over stepping my boundaries if I were to say that I'd miss you?" Anika asked. Cookies eyes then met with hers. Cookie started smiling.

"No, because I'll miss you too." Cookie said. It surprised Anika to hear Cookie say this after how she's been acting so distant, but it made her happy to see that Cookie wasn't being too distant.

"Well, I hope you don't mind if I come over tomorrow morning to see you off." Anika suggested, her face seemed hesitant as if she was wondering what Cookie would say. Cookie tilted her head. "Fine by me." She replied. Anika had to admit that she felt relief. She grinned, and the two women began turn the soundboard back on and continued working on their beat until the workday ended.


The Day Of The Trip


Cookie stood in front of her bags that she was taking to the airport. She studied them, trying to make sure she had everything she needed. "So, are you excited about the trip with your sisters? How do you feel about it?" Dr. Wick asked from her tablet screen.

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