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Cookie was the last one to step down the stairway and out of the plane. The moment she touched the ground, she felt the heat of Florida warm her skin. She had to admit that she missed the heat. "Yes! We've hit Miami baby!" Shouted Carol, her sisters quickly beginning to scurry towards the exit of the airport to meet their drivers that would take them to their hotel for the week.

The moment that Cookie remembered what was on her mind, she took out her phone and quickly began to search for Anika's name. She typed the text message, contemplating on what to say.

"I'm here, now."

"No, that's too blunt."

"Just landed, wish you were here with me. ❤️"

"That's too much, it needs to be simple."

"I'm texting you, which means I just landed."

"Okay..that sounds normal enough."

She pressed send quickly, then snapping her head up once hearing Candace call her to speed up to the exit. She put her phone into her purse, then catching up to them. "I'm coming girl, dang." Cookie called.


New York


Anika heard her cell phone vibrate inside of her purse while she stood present in the front of the court. She cleared her throat, preventing herself from looking at it. Although, she suspected who it was.

"Both you and Lucious Lyon are present today to..."




The women say in the back of the black limousine, looking around at the beautiful city as they passed through it. "So, what hotel are we staying at?" Asked Cookie. "We're not just staying at any hotel, we're staying at the EAST Miami. So we can have even more of the luxury experience." Said Candace. "Great, I'll be stuck in the same room with your annoying asses." Cookie joked. "Oh stop, girl." Said Carol, Nudging her. The women laughed together.


By the time the women arrived at the hotel, Cookie was surprised by how nice the place was. Bright white, sitting right next to the city, modern white sharp designs.

"Damn Candace, you do have taste." Said Cookie. "Girl you know how I do it." Candace replied. The women scurried towards it. "Ooh, and look at that pool!" Said Carol. Cookie really did admire the way it looked, it was so chic and definitely her taste. She took a quick photo of it before heading inside after her sisters.

They walked through the lobby, pulling their bags along with them. "This trip is going to be unforgettable! Oh I've been waiting for a moment to get away like this. That's why we brought you to Miami, to free your mind from the grime of New York and the grime of that problem you were married to." Said Candace.

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