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3rd Person POV

The Next Day


Cookie looked herself in the mirror as she adjusted her outfit for the day. A blue pantsuit with black heels. Her hair down her back. It was somewhat simple attire to others, but for Cookie she wanted to try being simple.

While examining herself in the clothes, she heard her cell phone let out a notification sound. She looked at the phone, picking it up. She noticed it was a text message from Anika. Strangely enough, even though the two of them work together they never text.

She raised an eyebrow, then opening the message. It was nothing unprofessional, but actually Anika informing her of something.

"Just wanted to tell you that Lucious is expecting us to stay late in the studio tonight. He wants us to create two new beats."

Cookie groaned. "Of course the moment we start getting along he starts working us like dogs." Cookie said to herself. Although, she wondered why Anika didn't just tell her this in person. It isn't like they won't be in the studio together today. Nonetheless, Cookie gave a simple reply and shrugged it away, continuing to adjust her clothing in the mirror.


The second Cookie got into the building, Porsche ran to her side. "What's going on?" Asked Cookie. "You have to be in Leviticus to watch Hakeem rehearse. Lucious was looking for you to be there ASAP." She said. "Well why didn't anyone call me?" She asked. "He figured you knew." Said Porsha. Cookie shook her head, then following porsha as she led her to the rehearsal.

Inside stood Jamal, Lucious, and Andre, and Anika. Anika sat in one of the Director seats, bobbing her head to Hakeems rapping on stage to the beat she and Cookie made for his lyrics. Lucious stood by bobbing his head as well. Once Cookie walked up, Lucious turned to her. "Where have you been?" He asked her. "I was at home. Why didn't you tell me this morning about this if you wanted me to come sooner?" She asked, sitting down next to Anika.

"It's your responsibility- Lucious shut up talking to me, please." She said, fanning him away. "Don't get an attitude with me because you can't be on time- An attitude?" Asked Cookie. Anika put her hand onto Lucious' arm. "Yes she was late, but she's here now. Don't bother arguing with her." Said Anika. Lucious nodded, then grinning down at her.

Cookie let out a scoff, crossing her arms. Anika looked down at her lap, slightly glancing over at her from time to time.

Once Hakeem finished his song, he jumped down from the stage and walked over to everyone. "So how was that? Hot right?" He asked, grinning at them all. "It was hot, keem." Said Jamal, nudging him. "It was great, son. That's what I'm talking about." Said Lucious, also nudging Hakeem. "Ma, what about you?" He asked. Cookie smiled, holding out her arms to him. "I loved it, baby. It's gonna be going off the charts." She said, leaning out to him for a hug.

"Alright, I guess it's my turn." Said Jamal, jogging up to the stage and making sure everything is fine with the backstage crew. "Speaking of sounds, Cookie I need you and Anika to stay late tonight working in the studio. We need two more beats produced." Said Lucious. "I know. Anika told me this morning." She said. Lucious gave a stiff nod, then looking at the two of them.

"You two text each other now, huh? The two cats are getting along?" He asked. Anika crossed her arms. "We texted before, too." She said. "Hardly." Replied Cookie. Once Jamal began his performance, an smooth R&B beat began to play. His voice had great range and hit every note perfectly. "Does it bother you, babe?" Asked Anika. "What? The two of you talking to each other? I don't give a damn about that, as long as I don't hear anymore drama." Said Lucious.

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