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One Year Later


Cookie almost went crazy trying to contain her excitement for when Anika's ride would pull up to the curb of Renee's house. She paced back and forth, speaking rapidly and practically jumping off of the walls. "I can't believe it. I can't believe that this is the day- and I can't believe how I can almost see your heart beating out of your chest. Calm down girl!" Her mother said, teasing her.

"Oh my god, I need to check my makeup again-" Cookie said, then rushing to the bathroom. She looked herself in the mirror, examining each and every makeup brush stroke she did. She even examined her hair, checked her teeth, checked her breath. Renee followed behind her, leaning against the doorway and staring at her with a flat face.

"Punkin' you've checked yourself out a million times. You look fine- I know, but- There is no 'but'." Renee said, then stepping beside her daughter, staring at her reflection from her stance behind her. She placed her hand onto her shoulder.

"Cookie, you are a beautiful woman. You're in a loving relationship, you're engaged, and you're living as a true free woman. And I can guarantee you that Anika would be happy to see you, if not more. Just calm down a little, it's okay." Said Renee, and Cookie smiled.

"Thank you...I just...I feel like our relationship hasn't been the same because of her being away and I'm worried that it would be awkward when we see each other again. I know I visited her often, but the last few weeks I haven't because I wanted to look presentable when she got out. I'm just hoping that our flame is still there after three years." Said Cookie.

"Child, if the love is real, the flame will never die. Only grow larger." Said Renee. Cookie nodded, looking down. "Yeah, maybe you're right...-" Suddenly the door bell rang, making Cookie tense up. "Oh my god.." She said. "Well aren't you going to get it?" Renee asked. Cookie was frozen. "Well if you won't, I will." Renee said, then walking out of the bathroom.

"What is going on with you?" She asked aloud, looking over her shoulder at Cookie. Renee opened the door, and gasped in happiness once she saw Anika. "Oh my goodness! It's so good to see you! I couldn't wait until you got home!" Anika said. Renee's house actually wasn't Anika's first stop, but rather the last. She made sure to visit her family first.

"Come inside, come on!" Renee said. Once Cookie could hear Anika's voice, her heart sank to her stomach. Her first instinct was to shut the bathroom door, but she didn't know why. She closed it as quickly but as quietly as she could.

"I've missed you so much too, Renee. There's something about the fresh air outside of the gates that's so much better." Anika said. Renee laughed. "I know who you're here for..." Said Renee. "Oh, of course..." Said Anika. Cookie curled her lips, anticipating when the knock would hit the door.

It made her jump out of skin when her mother did it. "Cookie, would you come out of there? Anika's here to see you." She said. "Damnit...I thought I was ready, but I don't think I am..." She mumbled. Renee looked over at Anika and noticed the small bags of clothing that she had in her hand. "Oh, I don't mind putting these in the washer for you..." Said Renee. "Oh, you don't have to. You shouldn't be doing anything, really..." Anika said softly. "No, don't worry about it. I insist. Plus, I think it'll give you two some much needed alone time..." Said Renee.

Anika smiled faintly, releasing the bag. "Is she okay?" Anika asked. "You know how awkward she gets." Said Renee. She knocked on the door again. "Don't just have her standing here, you Hussey! If I come back and you're still in that bathroom, I'm going to get you out myself!" Renee said, walking away.

"Don't make no sense!" She said, pursing her lips as she headed down the hall way. Anika let out a smile. She then turned back to the door, and stared at it for a few moments before the knob slowly turned. She felt her heart racing in anticipation to see the love of her life appear in front of her.

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