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Cookie sighed as she looked herself in the mirror. She examined her winter coat and hat, hoping that what she was wearing wasn't too much. She leaned down the check her phone from her bed. "Okay, 8:15. Still got about five minutes." She said.

Instead, she heard a knock at her door immediately after she said that. She raised an eyebrow, her nose wrinkling as she approached it. "Damn, is she here already?" Asked Cookie. She looked through the peephole, and sure enough it was Anika. Although the look on her face seemed to be distress. She opened the door, then looking at her. Anika walked inside, sighing. "Look, I know I'm early okay? But I had to get out of that house." She said.

"What do you mean?" Asked Cookie. "Me and Lucious got into another argument. When I got home, it was about 11pm. He didn't get back home until 1am, and he left the house at 7:15 pm. The second I asked him where he was, he got defensive." She said, crossing her arms and scoffing. "Yep, that sounds like Lucious." Said Cookie, shaking her head.

Anika was dressed in a black coat, wearing heel boots just like Cookie. Anika examined her outfit. "It's starting to become weird how we think so much alike." She said. "Very." Said Cookie. "But, are you ready?" Asked Anika. Cookie nodded. "Y-yeah, let's go." She said.


The two women approached Cookies car, and Anika stood in front of Cookie on the drivers side. "Anika, what are you doing?" Cookie asked. "You planned this, so I'll do the honors of driving." She said. Cookie let out a single chuckle. "Anika, you don't need to do that. I invited you, so I should drive- I'm not moving, Cookie." Anika smirked in a playful way. Many people would find it annoying, but Cookie no longer found it annoying like she used to when they first met.

Cookie slowly handed her the keys. "Aright, fine." She said. She got into the passenger side, and Anika smiled as she unlocked the drivers side door. The moment Cookie got inside, she glared over at Anika, who seemed excited to drive Cookies Escalade. She had a wide smile across her lips as she examined and touched everything, trying to see what buttons worked what and what everything was. It was like she was fascinated with it.

Cookie stared at her, a slight smile forming. "You're having fun already and we haven't even gotten where we're going yet." Said Cookie. "I think that the fun comes from who you're with, not what you're doing." Said Anika, reaching up to adjust the mirror. Cookie looked out of the window. "You're so inspirational, Anika." She replied. "You could learn something from me." Said Anika. Cookie let out a reluctant smirk.


About 15 minutes later, they were out of the city and going down plain streets. There was nothing but dry fields surrounding them. "Wow Cookie, is this place in a country town or something?" Anika asked. "Would you rather have us be in the city where we'll get recognized?" Cookie asked.

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