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Two Weeks Later


The room was filled quickly, almost so the brim while people filed inside to secure their seats. Jamal stared down at his watch, examining the time. He adjusted his suit, looking back and forth through the hallways as if he was looking for something.

"What's taking her so long?" Asked Hakeem. "Well, she almost had a panic attack a few minutes ago. What do you think is wrong?" Asked Andre. "There's a chance Anika could go to prison today. We're all scared." Said Jamal.

Cookie stepped out from the nearby bathroom, patting her eyes dry with a paper towel. "There she is." Said Andre to his brothers, then standing up straight in an attempt to appear calm and collected about this entire thing.

Her heels clicked against the floor, and she sniffed once she stood before them. "I'm sorry, y'all..." She said. "Don't apologize." Said Jamal. "It's okay, ma." Said Hakeem. "I haven't been able to see her or speak to her face to face for two weeks. They didn't let me visit her at all while in she was in the hospital." Said Cookie. Andre put his hand on her shoulder.

"Well, you'll see her today and you'll see her when she walks out of here free today." He said. Cookie took a deep breath, nodding. "You're right." She huffed.

"Have you seen Cookie?" The group could hear being asked from behind them. At the end of the hallway, was Renee, who was asking for Cookies whereabouts in the crowd of people in the halls of the courthouse.

Cookie wasn't unhappy to see her. In fact, she was likely able to provide a lot of comforting to her during this time after the conversations they've had about her relationship. But the women she saw walking in behind her, made Cookies face turn into stone.

Candace and Carol looked around in the crowd as well. Candace with her expensive church-dress and handbag, while Carol wore black slacks and a white blouse. "Oh god." Cookie said. "I don't need this right now." Cookie said, beginning to brush by her sons and go to the other side of the hall. That's when the women saw her walking, and Candace sped up to catch her.

"Cookie...? Cookie..! Why are you walking away?" Candace asked, then grabbing Cookies wrist. She yanked it out her hers, turning and staring at her with a look of malice. "I'm walking away because I don't want to say anything I might regret." Cookie snapped. Carol and Renee came shortly after.

"Cookie- Look, Candace. At this point I could give a damn about what you think about me and Anika. You have so much hate in your heart towards one of the most loving women in the world. And today, I'm at the risk of losing her to prison for who knows how long. I don't need anymore stress, and I definitely don't need any more of your negativity." Snapped Cookie.

Candace sighed, staring down at her. "I know, Cookie." She said. "And that's why we're all here. We don't want to see you lose what you have. Yes, I have some things to get used to regarding what you've revealed you are attracted to. But heartbreak and pain is something anyone can experience, and it was all caused by Lucious Lyon himself. I know that you have fought hard to be loved the proper way. And to be loved by someone who loves you completely. And I believe when you say that she gives you complete love. I know we have a lot more to talk about, but today I, and Carol and Mom, are here to support you both." Said Candace.

Cookie stared at her. "Then show me how supportive you are." She said. Before the conversation could go any further, Cookie could see the face of someone who often made her insecure about herself within her relationship. Georgia, Anika's mother was seen walking down the hallway. She wore shades, possibly to hide her tears, over her eyes. Her three sons walked behind her. Cookies sons looked confused, staring at them strangely. "Who are they?" Asked Hakeem. "I think that's Anika's family. But we haven't actually met them." Said Jamal.

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