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The Night Of The White Party


Tonight was the night that everyone has waited for. The White Party. Where Jamal will perform his song on another stage besides Leviticus and do an interview in the same night.


Anika stood in front of the mirror, examining her outfit while she was on the phone with Cookie.

"I'm so excited!" Cookie said. "I can tell, Cookie." Anika chuckled. "Wait until you see what I'm wearing. And you'll have to be looking up at me tonight, because I'm wearing stilettos." She said.

"You're still a shorty to me." Said Anika. Cookie smacked her lips. "After I found out your real height I will never let that go." Anika teased. "I can't wait until I see you there, should I just come over instead?" Cookie asked. "You can if you want to." Said Anika. "Of course I want to..." said Cookie.

"I just hope that we'll make it on time." Said Anika. "We will, not like Lucious is going to shut the door on us. He knows better." Said Cookie. Anika laughed. "I find it so funny when you insult him." She said.

"What should we do after the party?" Cookie asked lowly. "What do you want to do?" Anika grinned. "I don't know..." Said Cookie. "Unless you're feeling 'curious' again..." said Anika. "Maybe a little..." Cookie said quietly. Anika curled her lips.

"We'll see." She said. Cookie chuckled.

While the two women talked, Cookie heard a text message ding from her phone. She picked it up and checked the notification. She noticed it was a message from an unsaved number. But the number that she recognized. That brought her chills.

"Oh god." Anika said. "What?" Asked Cookie. "Nothing...I'm just...trying to get this earring in." Anika replied, closing her eyes in regret after telling another lie to Cookie.

She didn't want to lie to her. She knew that Cookie didn't deserve to hear a single lie from the women she spouted her deep honesty with. But she didn't want Cookie to stress. She didn't want any problems regarding anyone who interferes with what Cookie and Anika had. She didn't want Cookie to feel like she was facing another obstacle, otherwise she would lose more confidence.

Anika read the message carefully.

Tori: "Excited for tonight, Ms. Calhoun?"

Anika decided not to reply. She shook her head, then sitting the phone down again. "Anika, hold on. I'm going to call you back. It's uh...my therapist calling..." Cookie said awkwardly.

Anika raised an eyebrow. She was still trying to get used to Cookie having a therapist regarding how to actually embrace the relationship they had, but she supposed if it relaxed Cookie and helped her, there was no issue. "Okay. Well I'll see you later." Said Anika.

"Okay.." Said Cookie. She then blew a kiss into the phone. Anika could tell she was doing it, and she chuckled. "You're cute." Anika replied, making Cookie giggle. Anika returned a smooth back. "Muah." She said playfully.


Once Cookie had ended the call with Anika, she answered the one with her therapist. "Hi, Cookie I know it's been awhile and it is a little late, but you haven't been reaching out to be lately and I'm just wondering how you're doing." Said Dr. Wick.

"I've been doing alright, I guess. I told Anika about my experiences...when I was locked up and all..." Cookie said in a rather embarrassed tone. "That's a very good thing. Even though it may be hard to talk about, it's very important to address certain things that you may still be holding on to." Said Dr. Wick.

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