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Saturday Afternoon


Cookie let out a loud laugh as she unlocked the door to her penthouse. Her sister Carol and Candace trailed behind her, laughing as well. "And remember when Candace left the tub running and fell asleep while daddy was at work? He came home and the whole bathroom was covered in bubbles." Laughed Carol. "And we tried to hurry and clean it up using the mop!" Cookie exclaimed. Candance shook her head as their laughter died down.

The women had just got back from having dinner at a beautiful fancy restaurant, of course it was Candace's choice. "That restaurant was so nice wasn't it? They have the best food choices there, I swear." Said Candace. "Yeah, it was alright but next time we should go somewhere that reminds us of home." Said Carol. The woman all plopped down on the couch, letting out a sigh of relief after getting off of their feet.

"Speaking of food, since when do you order raw seafood, Cookie?" Asked Carol chuckling. Cookie let out a single chuckle. "Yeah, especially oysters. I know I enjoy them but you always seemed to hate even the smell of them. If it's not steamed or friend you're not eating it." Said Candace. Cookie shrugged, getting up to pour them all a glass of champagne.

"No reason in particular, just wanted to try something new." Said Cookie. "Speaking of new, have you found the perfect man to replace Lucious yet?" Asked Candace. Cookie smacked her lips as she walked over to them and sat down the glasses onto the coffee table. " I'm not looking to replace Lucious nor am I looking to get back with him. I think single life is good for me for right now." Said Cookie. "What about that bougie debutante wife of his?" Asked Carol. Cookie curled her lips. She paused for a moment before she spoke, her sister however didn't notice. "Surprisingly, me and her have been getting along these past few weeks." Said Cookie.

Cookie let out a light gasp. "Really?" She asked. Cookie reached to grab her glass. "Don't get all excited now, we aren't buddy buddy just yet." Said Cookie. "I mean it's a start and it's a good start. No more having to bicker over a bitter man. But I would still watch her." Said Candace. "Why?" Asked Cookie. When a women you hated suddenly starts getting all comfortable with you, they're planning something." Said Candace.

"You would know?" Asked carol. "Oh shut up." Replied Candace to Carol. "Don't worry about me, that little girl is not a threat to me." Said Cookie. "I'm not talking about being a threat." Said Candace. "Then what?" Asked Carol. "I'm talking about her trying to backstab you. Or try to find out your personal business." Said Candace. "Yeah, you sound paranoid." Said Cookie. "Okay...don't come back to me saying anything when she does you wrong." Said Candace, shrugging.

"Me and her just barely even spend time together outside of work. She doesn't even know where I stay." Said Cookie. "It's only a matter of time, I'm telling you." Said Candace. Cookie shook her head, but thought in the back of her mind about what Candace was saying. Would Anika really do that to her if they get closer together. She didn't believe it, but she'll be on the look out for it.

"Well that's enough of that for tonight, It's time to head home." She said, getting up. "Aw, Cookie you kicking us out already?" Asked Carol. "I have a lot of work to do tonight, so that I can enjoy my Sunday. I'm not in the mood to hear ya'll blabbering about some girl trying to backstab me." Said Cookie light heartedly. Candace stood up, grabbing her purse and Carol stood up as well grabbing her coat. "Keep being in denial if you want to." Said Candace, looking her sister up and down playfully as she walked out of the door. "I don't want to hear you upset when she starts getting all in your business." Said Carol. "Shut up, girl." Said Cookie. The women said their goodbyes, and Cookie was in her office typing up forms in less than ten minutes.

"Backstab me.." Cookie said to herself, letting out a chuckle. "Only thing she's done so far is make me crack a smile now and then." Cookie thought to herself.

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