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After waking up from their nap together, Cookie had opened her eyes to notice that Anika had her arm wrapped around her waist. She was facing away from her, feeling her warm hold onto her body. She felt her light breathing into the crook of her neck.

She curled her lips, reacting shyly. She checked her phone to see the time. She noticed outside that it seemed as if the sun was setting. Once turning on her phone screen, she saw that Lucious had sent her a text message.

Lucious: "Cooks, I need you to write out five forms of music recording contract templates and sent them to me tonight."

Cookie furrowed her eyebrows. "I'm not even at the damn company, why is he asking me to-" she sighed, knowing that this was how the company operates.

Cookie: "And you're too busy to handle that? Actually, isn't that Anika's job?"

Lucious: "Well I've been too busy working, which you aren't doing. And she hasn't been answering my texts either."

Cookie grimaced. "Who the hell does he think he's talking to?" She snapped, beginning to call him. He answered after a few rings. "What, Cooks- Who the hell do you think you're talking to, Lucious- Don't call my phone with that- I'm on vacation, Lucious. That's the task the head of A&R should be doing, not me." She said.

Anika drowsily opened her eyes, then rubbing her face against the side of Cookies. "Look, if you can take week long breaks from work and not even bother to call any damn body, you have time to do this work. It's not like you don't have experience with what the head of A&R does." Said Lucious.

"I did. And I do. But who decided to take that from me?" Cookie asked. Lucious let out a sigh from the other end. "Just get me what I need, damn." He said. Anika released her arm from around Cookie, turning over. Lucious could hear the sheets being fondled with through the phone.

"Bye." Cookie said, then suddenly ending the call.

Lucious looked down at the screen after hanging up, squinting. He was sure he heard something. The sound of faint moving. Of sheets moving. And it wasn't Cookie moving. Cookie was never in bed during the evening. At least not from what he's known.

He licked his teeth. "You're not alone, are you?" He mumbled.

He stuffed the phone into his pocket.


So, where exactly is this cabin that you rented?" Asked Cookie, looking down at her cell phone. "A few hours away. You'll love it." Said Anika.

The two of them were on the road now, Cookie dressed in a new outfit with a new hairstyle. "So what happened to the hotel?" She asked. "Well, I just wanted a place to rest. I knew we would probably both be tired after how long we've been on the road. And I wanted to save The Berkshires as the last location. Saving the best for last." Said Anika.

Cookie nodded. "You know, I've never been to a cabin before.." Said Cookie. "What do you do there?" She asked. "Look at the scenery, relax, and find peace with yourself. You can do whatever you want." Anika said.

Cookie nodded, then looking at herself in the mirror. She reached into her purse, taking out one of her lipsticks. She started to apply a neutral color to her lips, and Anika glared over at her. "You're looking really dolled up." Said Anika.

Cookie curled her lips. "I just thought I should dress up at least once before the trip is over." She said. "I should have done that." Said Anika. "I think you always look nice, so..." Cookie mumbled. Anika looked over at her. "You're sweet." She smiled, reaching over to put her hand onto the side of Cookies face.

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