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Cookie creaked the hotel door open, stepped inside as quetly as she could. She took her shoes off before she got inside so that she could take up less time taking them off. Her heels were hanging in her hand, clicking together every once in awhile from her movements.

She put the shoes down, slowly turning around and trying to let the heavy door shut as quietly as possible. She squinted her eyes once the sound of the lock clicked. She turned around, tip toeing towards her room. She opened the door, then beginning to quickly get out of her clothes. It didn't seem like either one of her sisters were in the room, because their room keys weren't on the tables they usually sat them on.

Cookie took a much needed shower, and once she stepped into the steaming water, her mind automatically began to envision what she just snuck away from.


Anika grinned down at Cookie seductively while sitting on top of her lap. Her arms were wrapped around her shoulders, and Cookies arms gripped her waist. Their naked bodies were glistening with sweat, and Cookie stared up at her with a tilted back head and a bitten lip. Her eyes were low, staring at every inch of her face and realizing just how long it's been since she's stared into her eyes or touched her body.

Anika's chest pushed against hers, and she let out a giggle after Cookie started to kiss her chest because she playfully pulled away before her lips touched hers. Cookie then left slight pecks onto her neck. Anika released a faint groan. She looked down at her, putting her face closer to hers. "Seems like you missed me more than I missed you." She said. Cookie only stared at her, not saying anything. Although her smile had faded.

Anika only leaned down to kiss her, and Cookie didn't know if it was because she desperately wanted to embrace her or if she was trying to save Cookie from the pressure of giving her an answer.


Cookies eyes shot open once she heard the hotel door shut. She could hear her sisters speaking with alert in their voice. "Where in the hell is she?! She still hasn't texted or called us all night!" Said Candace. "Maybe she did, Y'know, find someone to hook up with." Said Carol. "Let's be realistic here, Carol. As much as we joked about her doing stuff like that we both know that Cookie would never do it. She's not that type of woman and she's clearly still hurting about what happened between her and Anika." Said Candace.

Candace crossed her arms, then sighing. "I just wish that didn't have to happen. I know I used to say certain things and turn my nose up after finding out that Cookie was dating a woman but in all honesty after seeing how much she cares about her, it makes me so saddened. If if weren't for that evil ass Lucious Lyon, she'd be so much happier." Said Candace. "Let's just hope that nothing happened to her." Carol said. "I'm so worried..." Said Candace.

A few moments later, the bathroom door creaked open, and Cookie inched into the living room. Her sisters gasped once they saw her. "Oh my god! Cookie!" They shouted, running towards her. They immediately began to smother her in what seemed to be a motherly way, and Cookies face turned to an annoyed frown. "Alright alright..." Cookie said, and the women started to nag her of her whereabouts.

"Where the hell have you been? You said you were coming back to the room, but you were gone all night." Said Candace, crossing her arms. "Look, don't worry about where I was, but I'm back so you can relax now, Cookie said, brushing by them and going to the kitchen while wrapped in her towel.

Her sisters walked after her, hot on her trail. "Oh no you don't. You're not walking away that easy." Said Candace. "Sis where were you? We were worried sick." Said Carol. Cookie went into the fridge, grabbing a bottle of water. "I was just out, okay? Am I not allowed to have a night out by myself?" Cookie asked. "Cookie, why would you spent a night out alone in a city like this? We don't know anybody here." She said. "You don't know who I know, Candace." Said Cookie, turning away after taking a sip of water. She grabbed the hotel menu, starting to skim through it.

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