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Road Trip: Day One


Cookie felt a light tickle on her face that caused her to open her eyes quickly. She was met face to face with Anika, who's hands were on the side of her face. She pulled them away. "Sorry...I was just moving your hair from your face...I didn't mean to wake you up just yet..." she said.

Cookie sat up straight, then stretching her arms slightly. "It's okay..." she said, then covering her mouth while she released a yawn. "How long was I sleeping for?" Cookie asked. "About an hour and a half." Said Anika.

"Sorry...I hope you weren't bored just being awake alone." Said Cookie. Anika shook her head. "I'm not, trust me. I love the open road, I was listening to the radio and dancing by myself. I didn't want to wake you up...you looked too peaceful." Said Anika.

Cookie smiled, putting her hair behind her ear. She then turned to look out of the window. She noticed that they were in an area that looked completely unfamiliar to her. A very different setting that looked nothing like New York would.

 A very different setting that looked nothing like New York would

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They were on a bridge going over a large body of water. Some of it was covered in snow and ice, but it looked like such a huge area of space. So many trees and so much scenery.

"This is New York?" Cookie asked. "Yep." Anika grinned. "Wow..." Cookie replied, putting her hands onto dashboard, leaning closer to the window to get a batter look. It still looked nice now while the snow was melting, but she wondered just how beautiful it looked when it was summer or fall.

Anika looked over at her amazement in her eyes. They haven't even reached their destination yet. "That's one of the best things about road trips. Everything you see is apart of it." Said Anika.

"But uh, it's still technically winter, Anika. What can we see with all this snow and ice still melting?" Cookie asked. "Ever seen a frozen waterfall?" Anika asked. "A frozen waterfall? What waterfalls do you know that are in New York?" Cookie asked. "The one we're going to. You'll see it in a second." Anika replied.

In a matter of minutes, Anika started to drive through narrow streets filled with trees and a little snow. She pulled over to the side of the road, then turning off the van. She started to reach to the back of the van, grabbing her coat. Cookie sure enough had to bring along a jacket, but she didn't know that the first few places they would be going to would be inside of New York, otherwise she would have brought a coat.

"I hope I don't freeze.." said Cookie. "The sun is out, and if you get too cold you can put my coat on." Anika smiled. Cookie curled her lips. "Okay..." she said, smiling as well. Anika opened the door and got out of the van, while Cookie started to cautiously step out as well.

It was so quiet. Like they were the only ones here. There was a small path off to the side of the road, in between a few trees. "Okay, ready?" Anika asked. "Yeah, where?" Cookie asked. "Through there.." Anika pointed at the passageway. Cookie stared. "Are you trying to get me on a murder case file, Anika?" Cookie asked. Anika laughed. "It's not like that, Cookie. I promise. Just come on.." Anika said, grabbing Cookies hand and beginning to tug her towards the path.

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