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Day 4 Continued


[play song] Anika faced away from the bed, and Cookie watched as her arms reached up to the middle of her back, unzipping the dress. Cookies eyes roamed her body in hesitation. She realized it was really becoming real. They were really doing this.

Cookie watched as Anika slipped out of her dress as smoothly as ever, then her bra being unhooked. Anika's body was sure enough curvy, just on the slimmer side. But it was still impressive for how natural it was.

Anika then turned around, dropping her lavender bra on the floor. This was the first time that Cookie had ever seen Anika's breasts. And there they were right in the open, and approaching Cookie. Anika's breasts were smaller than cookies, maybe a B or C cup, but they had such pink nipples.

She didn't understand how Anika felt no hesitation at all about this. She wasn't shy in the smallest bit to reveal herself so suddenly?

She slowly began to crawl on the bed, staring Cookie down as if she was going to eat her alive. Cookie began to back up slowly, closer to the middle of the bed. Anika reached up slowly to cup her face, then trailing her finger down her body to the top of her underwear, only pulling it down enough for it to snap back against her skin. Cookie jumped, staring again like a deer in the headlights.

Anika leaned up to kiss Cookies lips again, slowly and passionately. Cookie felt Anika's nipples pushing against hers. The first kind of intimate skin contact. Anika slowly leaned up, standing on her knees. She placed Cookies legs over hers.

She slowly reached to grab Cookies hands, slowly guiding them to being on her waist. "Yah' can touch me anywhere." Anika whispered. Anika really just wanted Cookie to become comfortable with touching another woman's body in a romantic way. So that she won't feel like she's the only one being touched. She wanted her to act on testing out and exploring her attractiveness to the female body.

Cookie pulled her hands away at first, putting them up to her mouth as a nervous reaction. Anika stared back at her. Cookie had never really touched another woman's body before. Not in a caressing and sentimental way. And especially because Cookie actually knew Anika compared to the other women in prison, it made her far more nervous than she already was.

"It okay...I not goin' tah' pressure you. I just want yah' to feel comfortable so dat' yah' won' feel like yah' da' onleh' one bein' touch'..." said Anika. Cookie stared up at her with fearful eyes. Cookie could overcome just about anything and put her fear aside. But this, this was extremely terrifying for her.

Anika gently grabbed her hand again, then bringing the back of it up to her lips and kissing it. "It okay, Cookie. Yah' free tah' touch your woman' body whereva' yah' want." Anika whispered.

Cookies warm hands were slowly guided up and down Anika's waist. Cookie felt her face turning red. Anika's skin was so soft, and her stomach so flat and hard. Anika stared down at her, watching her reaction. Cookie liked the feeling of it. This was her first time really touching Anika. "Includin' here." Anika whispered. Anika slowly trailed her hands up to underneath her breasts.

She just wanted Cookie to feel for now. Experience touching. But Cookie wasn't entirely aware of that, and she attempted to slightly pinch Anika's nipple. She jumped, closing her eyes and wincing. Cookie gasped, suddenly covering her mouth. "I-I'm sorry. Are you okay?" She asked quickly. She then sighed. Anika could tell that she was starting to feel embarrassed again, which made her start to feel ashamed of herself.

Anika slowly reached up to grab her hands and move them from her mouth, then put them back onto her chest. "I not a fan of pinchin', but it okay. 'Cause yah' learnin' about mah' body." Anika said.

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