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Two Months Later


Anika had finally developed a routine with keeping her body clean and healthy. Luckily, it wasn't too difficult for her due to her lifestyle being somewhat disciplined and free of bad habits as it is. However, she couldn't allow any cheat days as she usually would. Today, she and Lori were at the doctor's office to begin the IVF treatment.

Lori was doubtful at first, thinking that it was practically impossible for her to still have eggs even after her tubes were tied and her body is experiencing its complex changes at the moment. However, she didn't know if she felt more anxiety or happiness when the doctor told her that she in fact still has some eggs left.

When she discovered this, she immediately went into a panic once they got home. Asking Anika if she understood how much more terrifying this has become since the child can look like it. Lori hated that she was being this way, and to combat against it she had therapy sessions with Paula regularly. Those talks really help, more so when you know you are talking to a professional and a friend.

Lori tapped her foot as she listened to her mother speak from the other end of the phone. "I-V-F? Girl what is that?" Renee asked. "It's basically mixing a man and a woman together and putting it inside of Anika, mom.." Lori said bluntly. "And just who is the man that will be getting mixed with her?" Renee asked. "Well, we're going to look at potential doners soon, but..." Lori trailed off.

"She wants me to use my eggs, mom. The doctor told me that I have some healthy ones left, so that means that we can use mine." She said, then clearing her throat. "So the baby will look like you? Lolo are you sure that's...what you prefer?" Renee asked.

She didn't ask this in a sinister way, but because she was aware of her daughter's trauma associated with her first pregnancy. Her would-have-been daughter was supposed to have her features. Her face and her personality. And now, there seemed to be a repeat of the same scenario except there was no telling of what gender would come as a result.

"I know...i...I know. But...it's what she insists. It's the closest we can get to the child having a piece of both of us. She will carry it and it will have my features. I'm just as terrified about something going wrong. Trust me. But I'm trying to put that behind me to move forward with our future. Pauls has been helping me a lot. But..do you think it's a good idea?" Lori asked.

"Of course I do. In general, I do. I know that there are risks and I'm worried of them too, but imagine if things are smooth? You both deserve that. A happy ending, and I am rooting for you! I can't wait to have me another grand baby!" Said Renee, and Lori flattened her lips at her early excitement.

"Yeah, well don't get too excited. The doctor told me I have eggs, but there's a lot chance of me having high fertility because of my age." Said Lori. "Yes, punkin' that's a huge issue as you become older. I'd say you've kept yourself pretty healthy over the years, but if you're starting the menopause stage things start to slow down..." Renee said.

"By the way, how does Anika's mama feel about this? You know how she is...hmph." Renee said, mumbling the last part in a way she was sure Lori couldn't hear. "She seems to be supportive of it. I think she started getting impatient with her not giving her any grandchildren earlier." Said Lori. "But, I'll talk to you later. We have to get to the hospital. We'll be getting the doner information today." She added.

"How do ya'll know you can just trust a stranger like that? What if he gives that baby something?!" Renee asked, hesitation in her voice. Lori released a groan.

She then spent the next few minutes explaining the diner process to her.


"Well, it seems like you've stuck to the plans we have created for you pretty well. I'm glad to hear that. Are you excited?" The physician asked Anika, who clapped her hands together and nodded with a smile. Lori stared up at her, releasing a soft smirk at her enthusiasm.

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