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3rd Person POV

Cookie nodded in approval as she listened to Jamal sing along to the beat that she and Anika created.

His voice had flowed across with the beat gracefully. "Yes, baby keep singing that song! That's how it's done!" Shouted Cookie.

She saw the studio door open from the corner of her eye. In walked Anika. Cookie saw her, but gave no reaction to her entrance. She simply continued to work with her son.

Anika quietly sat behind Cookie, watching. She took notes, examining how she turned knobs, flicked switches, and coached all at the same time. Anika had to admit, she was skilled at her job. She knew that no one was probably a better fit besides her.

Still, Anika couldn't stand when she would undermine her, and attempt to make her stay in some sort of place. She felt they were equal, just about anyway. Even though at some point they both belonged to Lucious Lyon, it was clear that Cookie had been erased from his heart for good.

After about an hour of sitting and listening, Jamal was done with his rehearsal time. He stepped out of the booth, walking up to his mother. "Ma, that beat was hot." He said, leaning in to give her a tight hug. "Well I didn't just make it myself. She had some part in it too." Shrugged Cookie, tilted her head back, then giving a side eye to Anika.

"Really?" Asked Jamal. "You two working together without bruises and scratches?" He joked. Cookie raised up her hand at him, making him flinch and cover his left shoulder with his right hand. "Boy, hush. I'm just being professional. Now, what you need to worry about is finishing that song by next week. Get up out of hea', we have work to do." said Cookie, pursing her lips at him.

"Yeah yeah yeah, I'm going. See you, mom." He said, turning away and heading out of the room. Cookie faced the soundboard, beginning to work on certain sounds from the song. Before she got too deeply into it, she paused and turned to look at Anika who sat on the couch. She was looking down into her lap in silence, almost as if she was waiting for something.

Cookie looked around, then reluctantly began to walk up to her. "Hey, aren't we supposed to be switching on and off?" She asked her. Anika looked up at her, the two of them making eye contact. "Well, he hasn't given any orders yet. I asked him this morning, and he said he's waiting until we can get a lead on who to start with. So until then I suppose I'll still be working here with you. Is that alright?" asked Anika, expecting some sort of retort from Cookie.

The two women stared at one another for a moment, then Cookie shrugged. "That's fine." She said, letting out an exhale. "In the meantime, we should continue to work on the soundboard. More specifically, you with your knob-turning." Said Cookie. She turned away, beginning to walk back to the soundboard.

"I thought you knew I was capable of more than just that." Said Anika from behind her. Cookie stopped, then turning to face her. "Then show me, Mrs. Calhoun." Said Cookie, giving a nod and walking away. Anika inhaled, and stood up to walk behind her. "Let's make another beat like the one we just did." Said Cookie.

Anika was very surprised by this sudden compliance from Cookie. It was strange, and very suspicious. But so far, it didn't seem all bad. She felt like she could breathe for once. No hostility, no anger or judgment. However, she still felt there was some sort of trick to this.

Cookie sat down in a chair in front of the soundboard, while Anika sat down as well. "Go ahead, you can start." Said Cookie. Anika glared at her for a moment, then slowly reaching up her hand to put a sound together. She entered the sound of a smooth piano playing.

"You seem to know a lot more about casual sound than hip hop." Said Cookie. Anika scoffed, figuring that was a long-waiting slick remark from her. "How?" Continued Cookie. Anika turned to look at her. "What?" she asked her. "How do you know so much about it?" Asked Cookie.

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