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December 29th


Almost a week later, now, Anika was going home today. She was walking just about well enough to walk and stand on her own, but just for a short amount of time.

Cookie felt pure excitement when she found out the news. She wanted to jump up and hug Anika. Lift her into the air and place a big fat kiss right on her cheek.

But she still didn't remember her.

It was cold out when Anika had finally been outside again, so much so that Cookie gave her the huge fur jacket of hers to wear. Anika was walking to the car, taking slow steps while she had a single walking stick strapped to her arm. Cookie had her other arm and draped it around her shoulders. She helped her into her car, putting her in the backseat so that she could lay down if she needed to.

Cookie got inside, starting the car almost immediately. "Are you excited? To finally be able to go back home?" Cookie asked, turning to look at her. Anika nodded. "Very." She said. Cookie grinned, then pulled off. She felt yet another weight off of her chest. No longer having to spend the majority of she and Anika's lives in the hospital. Her visiting and her being a patient.


"Glad to be back?" Cookie asked, helping Anika into the doorway of her home. Anika tilted her eyes up, looking around at the place and examining the inside. Her eyes seeming to try to recollect it all. "It's exactly the way I left it." She said, although that sentence wouldn't be a surprised to someone who lives alone, but would be a surprise to someone who has been away from it for six months straight.

Cookie smiled, then helping her into her living room. "I'm going to sit you down here." Cookie said, placing her on the couch. "Why?" Anika asked, sitting down with a light huff. She stared at Cookie as she turned away, walking towards Anika's bedroom. "You're staying with me until you're better...!" She called. Anika could hear Cookie rummaging through her closet. "Don't you think I'd want to be in my own home?" Anika asked, crossing her arms.

"Who wouldn't. But I love you, so I'm not letting you stay here right now. Not while you're still fragile. And I'd rather you stay with me in case that bastard who shot you comes back again." Cookie said, folding up a pair of jeans for Anika. "Where's your suitcase?" Cookie asked. She found it in the back of Anika's closet, realizing that she never unpacked it from when they got back from the trip. She sulked. She searched for a duffel bag instead. While Anika stared at her, she showed a slight smile.


Cookies front door swung open, Anika being helped inside by Cookie. She took Anika to her bedroom, then helping her to sit down. "On your bed?" Anika asked. "Yeah. We spend a lot of our nights here, so why not?" Cookie asked, then walking into the kitchen. Anika turned her head, looking around at the bedroom. She looked at the sheet, rubbing her hand along it gently. It smelled familiar, a certain scent filling her nostrils. Was it Cookies scent? Is what what she was remembering?

"Are you hungry? I can make you something light then run you a bath." Said Cookie, opening her fridge. "Um...sure..." Anika said. After awhile, she heard Cookie chopping. She saw a small piece of her image from the bedroom, and she stared blankly as she watched.


Anika seemed to have slightly dozed off during this time, and when Cookie entered the room she was laying on her side of the bed, hugging the pillow and laying on her stomach. Cookie smiled, sitting down next to her and lightly calling her name.

Those brown eyes opened slowly, and they looked at her drowsily. "Dinners ready. I know you're tired, but please don't fall asleep for too long. It makes me worried..." Cookie said. Anika stared at her, then giving a slow nod. She sat up, stretching her arms above her head. Cookie continued to stare at her. "What's wrong?" Anika asked. "Nothing's really wrong, but I'm just so glad you're back. I wish I...I wish I could kiss you, really. It's been so long without me being able to." Cookie said. Anika looked down into her lap. "It's just that everything is still a little strange for me and-" Anika felt a pair of lips on her cheek. Cookie pulled away, smiling lightly. "I know. Kissing your cheek is fine for now." Cookie said.

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