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Same night


Anika felt fingertips lightly grazing her arm. She turned over curiously, seeing the caramel colored woman staring back at her. Her eyes low and her face of shyness. "I hope I didn't wake you up.." She trailed off. Anika shook her head, raising up her hand to cup her face. "No, you didn't wake me up at all." She said. They laid face to face, Anikas hand onto Cookies cheek while Cookies hand sat on top of Anikas. The two of them staring in silence for the first few moments was enough for them.

"What?" Anika asked, smiling lightly. "I just like to look at you..." Said Cookie.


Cookie caressed Anikas ear, staring at Anika in an almost warm desire. "You know, I miss you every night..." Said Cookie. "Then come to me, Cookie." Said Anika. "I can't..." said Cookie. "Why not?" Anika asked. Cookie sighed, not responding directly. "My mind is battling with my heart, Anika." Said Cookie.

"What would your mind say?" Asked Anika. "It would tell me that I'm tainted. That every thought or feeling I have about you is wrong." Said Cookie.


"You like to look at me?" Asked Anika. Cookie nodded. "Your smile is warm, and your face makes me feel at ease." She said. "You know how much I like you, don't you?" Asked Anika. Cookie shook her head, and Anika chuckled.

"There are so many things that make me like you. Your voice is so smooth and sultry. And your laugh, it's so full of heart. You have so much determination in you, and your honesty is uplifting. I try not to gush over you, but sometimes it's too hard to hold back." Said Anika.

Cookie laughed. "I'm always happy when I'm with you. I wish I could do everything with you." Said Anika. "Well, I'm here now. So what do you want to do?" Asked Cookie. Anika curled her lips, then licking them while she stared into Cookies eyes.

She leaned forward, bringing Cookies mouth to hers. The two women began to kiss lightly, while Anikas hand traveled to her waist. Cookie released a light moan, then cupping Anikas face. Their bodies were now close together, their chests pushing against one another's. Anika sucked on Cookies bottom lip, while Cookie released a relaxed smile.


"The heart is more powerful than the mind." Said Anika. "But, I don't have to think when I tell you that you bring me comfort. You're full of energy and you bring happiness wherever you go. You're the first person I've felt this way about. You're the first person I think about when I wake up, and the last person I think about when I go to bed." Said Cookie.

Anika smiled. "You're so sweet.." She said. Cookie curled her lips. "Well, you know what your mind would say, but what would your heart say?" Asked Anika.

Cookie stared at her in silence. She then slowly started to lean in to Anika, her heart beating slightly quicker. Her lips lightly touched Anika's, and the kiss became slightly deeper once they both gave in. Cookie released a satisfied groan, as if she was relieved. She grabbed Anika's hand, putting it onto her waist, just above her backside.

Cookie kissed Anika somewhat slowly, taking her time with the kissing but it still very much happening.

She began to lean further in to get on top of Anika.

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