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6 Months Pass


"So you want me to guess what's in this one?" Cookie asked, looking down at the long box that Anika held in her hand. It was wrapped in gold wrapping paper, with a pink bow sitting on top of it.

Mariah Carey "All I want for Christmas" played throughout Anika's living room, the woman sitting on the couch while a tall and brightly decorated Christmas tree flashed white lights.

"Yep, and you're going to love it." Said Anika, reaching up to tilt Cookies Santa hat. Cookie smiled, letting out a huff. "Hmm...uh, shoes?" She asked. "Nope..." Anika said. "Something for my kitchen?" Cookie guessed next, and Anika shook her head.

Cookie then smacked her lips, raising up to mess with Anika's Santa hat. "Well I don't know, stop playing guessing games, you know I'm bad at those.." Cookie joked. Anika laughed. "It's something...or a few things that I think you'd like to keep around your place." Anika said.

Cookie began to open the box carefully but desperate to know what's inside. She carefully removed the wrapping paper, then open the box itself. Inside were two picture frames with photos inside. Thick bronze colored trim with a photo of the two of them posing in front of the waterfall, Anika kissing Cookie on her lips. The other one was from a selfie they took in bed together one night they watched a movie.

Cookie began to smile, examining the photos closely. "I know we have to keep them private for when people come over and stuff, but I just thought they'd be nice gifts-" Cookie launched towards her and pulled her into a hug. "I love them." Cookie said, and Anika could tell she was smiling. "Merry Christmas..." Anika said. Once Cookie pulled away, Cookie remained within close range of her face. She stared into her eyes. "Thank you." She said smoothly. The women leaned in and kissed one another gently.

"And you know what else today is, right?..." Cookie asked.


Ice was everywhere in New York City now. Thick sheets of snow covered every inch of the sidewalk, and every surface of the buildings. This year, the snow was so heavy that seeing outside was nearly impossible with the flurries of it making the sky gray.

However, Cookie was always a fan of this time of year. Being able to decorate the trees and drink things like eggnog. It reminded her of when she and Anika first began to get really close. And this was the day of their first official kiss. This was the day they established their feelings for one another and embraced them.

It's their anniversary.

Cookie wanted to be more excited about it. But it isn't so easy to when you can't see the person you're celebrating it with the moment you open your eyes. It's hard to be excited knowing that the one you're celebrating it with is in the hospital and only recently becoming responsive.

Cookie tried not to keep thinking about the bad in the situation, but she couldn't. Especially after it seemed like everything was starting to turn left. Tori was going to the hospital multiple times a week to see her. But that isn't the issue. The issue is Anika's reactions. She squeezes her hand without hesitation, and replies to almost each and every question that Tori asks her with some sort of hum. As for Cookie, she'd only get these sorts of reactions every once in awhile.

Although, Cookie know that for the time being she had bigger fish to fry. Well, heavier obstacles to deal with. Bigger burdens to get rid of that can help with at least some part of her trauma. A person. The person. Who caused her to be awake at night in prison, thinking about the fights they had earlier. Who shamed her and made her feel as if every decision she's made right before she was in prison was wrong. The one who disappeared. The one who left her.

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