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One Week Later


Cookie massaged her shoulder gently with the washcloth, feeling the warm water run against her skin.

After a few more minutes, she turned off the water and stepped out of the shower into the steaming bathroom, clouded with a thick white. She put on her cheetah print robe, then stepping up to the sink to brush her teeth and wash her face.


While she sat in front of her vanity, dabbing her foundation onto her face, she both felt and saw two hands be placed lightly onto her shoulders. "Goodmorning." Anika Cooed, then leaning down to kiss the top of Cookies head. Cookie let out a single chuckle. "Morning." She said.

She noticed the ring on Anika's left finger, and that's when she paused for a moment before reaching for her beauty blender. "I slept like a baby. It's so much more comfortable here compared to my moms." Said Anika. "I see you don't have your accent this morning." Said Cookie.

"Y'know, it's like I've become so used to speaking like an American and like a caymanian, I can't help but use whatever is in my gut at the moment. Sometimes I make a conscious effort to use my Caymanian accent, and vice versa." She explained.

"So you switch between the bougie debutante and the 'island girl', got it." Said Cookie. Anika flattened her lips, pinching Cookies shoulder. "Yah' so lucky I don' get offended by them terms no more." She said, making Cookie chuckle. "Love you too." She said. Anika then wrapped her arms around her shoulder, leaning down to kiss the back of her neck multiple times. Cookie reluctantly giggled. "Stop it, girl! You're going to make me mess up." Cookie said. Anika stared at their reflection.

Cookie couldn't help but notice Anika wearing the engagement ring on her finger. Meanwhile, Anika couldn't help but notice how Cookie...wasn't. "Uh, why aren't you wearing your ring?" Anika asked playfully. Cookie glared at her hand, then putting it underneath the vanity. "Oh!, It's just that...I don't want to get any makeup on it. You know powder, setting spray, lash glue, you know it gets everywhere. I just don't want to risk it." She said, tapping the back of Anika's hand with her own. Anika looked confused for a short moment, but brushed it off.

"Well, anyway, I already told my friends back on the island about it. They were so happy. They really want to see you again." Said Anika. "So other people know outside of the dinner?" Cookie asked. "Well yeah, a few. The ones I know support us. Are you okay?" Anika asked, seeing Cookies face change.

"I'm fine, just still taking everything in." She said. "It's...about the dinner isn't it?" Anika asked. "Girl, I forgot that even happened." Cookie said, fanning her hand. "Really? I'd say it's kind of hard to forget about..." Said Anika. "Hasn't crossed my mind." Said Cookie. Since when did Cookie "forget" about anyone who disrespected her? She was the type to defend herself and others without hesitation. Nowadays, she spends a lot more days being emotional when something happens. It was odd, but strangely loving at the same time. How Anika was the one who helped influence her to feel more comfortable crying. Getting emotional. Feeling. There was something bittersweet about it. She was happy to be able to feel. But sometimes she wondered if she got too comfortable with it as well.

Cookie got up from the vanity once she finished the last of her makeup. She sighed. "Okay, I have to go into the workplace of hell, now." She said. Anika grabbed her waist and slightly pulled her forward. "Let me get a good look at you before you go." She said, and Cookie twisted her lips. Anika stared at her. "Are you sure you're alright?" She asked. Cookie nodded. Anika leaned up to kiss her head. "Then why aren't you smiling?" She asked her. "Hm?" Anika continued, then wrapping her arms around her waist. Cookie held her arms. "Because it's not a smiling sort of morning?" Cookie asked, tilting her head and slightly widening her eyes a single time.

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